Chapter 19

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By the time Stiles and Skyler had driven back to the school, classes were over, and students flooded the parking lot as they made their way to their cars. The pair parted ways with a promise to ditch school again one day. Stiles disappeared back into the school, and Skyler waited for Isaac to come out of hiding, which she had done for the past week. Yet, time passed, and there was no sign of the blond boy. He'd taken to appear while the crowd was heavy in order to conceal himself, but the parking lot emptied, and he didn't come out.

Dread washed over her as she pulled out her phone to call him, worry swimming through her veins as the call was sent to voicemail. All she could think of was the worst thing that could happen. Her family had finally caught him, and he was currently being tortured for answers, or worse, he was already dead.

Her vision blurred with tears as the thoughts flooded her mind, guilt gripping tightly around her throat. She had already begun to blame herself for Isaac's supposed capture. If she hadn't been his friend, they would never have been able to pin him. Once more, she had gotten too close to someone and had put their lives in danger. As hard as she had tried to protect him, she had failed.

She zoomed through the streets as she made her way home, praying to whatever was out there that Isaac was in her house and had, for some reason, forgotten to charge his phone. As much as she wanted to think positively, she had never been wired that way. Skyler had been taught to think of everything that could go wrong in a situation, no matter how unnecessary it could be. Her mind flooded with thoughts of losing the one person she had fully trusted for the first time in many years. She could hear him calling for help, pulling his weight in whatever fight had ensued, giving it his all until there was nothing left to give. But it all ended the same way. With Isaac either hurt or dead.

As soon as she arrived at her house, she dropped her bike on the grass like it had burned her, not caring if it smashed into pieces as it hit the ground. She knew her parents weren't home. Not only was their car gone, but the family also had them occupied every second of the day. The girl had free range to turn the house over to find her friend.

"Isaac?!" she yelled, waiting for a response that never came. "Isaac, are you here?"

She ran to the basement, not even noticing when her dog had joined her side. Brody barked to catch her attention, but she was focused on her parents' office. Skyler clicked through their computers, searching for any hint in their calendars, any clue in their messages, anything. But there wasn't even a post-it note out of place. Everything they knew, she had known long before them.

But she couldn't stop there. If her family had anything to do with Isaac, there would be no evidence. She had to confront them face-to-face and deal with the repercussions afterward. Skyler fished for the key of her parents' weapons cabinet, arming herself with whatever she'd need to take down whoever stood in her way. Even if she got hurt, she would not go down without a fight. The Argents had gone long enough without paying for the things they had done, and it was about time they did.

As she strapped a rifle to her back, she heard a stumble on the floor above. Whoever had been sent to her home had caught the short stick that day. Red anger flowed through her veins as she walked silently up the basement stairs, a handgun tight in her grasp and her loyal dog slowly behind. Nearing the door, she removed the safety from the gun and braced herself.

"Woah, woah!" Isaac yelled as she burst through the door, a gun deadest on him. "It's just me, Sky."

Skyler ran toward the boy without a second thought and wrapped her arms around him tightly. He was there, unharmed, and staring at her like she had gone crazy. "Where were you?" she cried, tears burning her eyes and making their way down her cheeks. "Why didn't you answer my calls?"

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