Chapter 8

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I waited until the blue jeep was out of view before walking up to the door, knocking softly due to the hour, and nervous as to who would answer the door. Hopefully, the only Argent that would be awake at this hour would be Allison.

"Skyler, what are you doing here?"

"Uncle Chris, hey. I was looking for Allison after everything that went down this afternoon," I explained. "Us Argents have to look out for each other, right?"

"That's right," he chuckled. "But she just went down to bed just a little bit ago. You'll have to talk to her tomorrow."

"Alright then, thanks uncle Chris. See you around."

"Wait, Sky. Where's your bike?"

"Oh, um, I left it at school." He looked at me with a prodding gaze, wanting to find any traces of deception in my words. "It's a long story, but I just felt like a walk."

"Well, it's getting late. I'll take you home." I debated for a second – if I went with him, keeping up lies would be difficult since I didn't know what story Allison had sold; if I didn't, it would just be strange. So, I agreed. "Here, have some water. You must be exhausted."

"Yeah, thanks." Inside the car, I took a big swig of the water, unbeknownst to how thirsty I actually was.

We were both quiet, listening to the soft music coming from the radio, staring out the window as the houses sped by. Maybe it had been how tired I was, or the view I was staring at, but my eyes drifted off and all I saw was black.

When I awoke, I thought I'd be faced with my house. Instead, my head felt dizzy, my hands and feet were tied, my mouth was gagged, and music no longer played. I blinked away the pain as I felt as my eyes tried to focus on the scene before me. Whatever had happened, I needed to gather my bearings as soon as possible to figure out the best plan of action.

Uncle Chris sat in front of me, tied to a chair just as I was. The panic in his face was evident, and I deduced the danger level was extreme. He struggled against his restraints, trying to free himself and get us both to safety. Rapidly, I fed on his energy growing uneasy myself. I could tell we were in the old Hale house, but I didn't understand why.

"Have you wondered what happens if a hunter gets bitten, Skyler?" I jumped when I heard a man's voice ring through the house, escape had become complicated. But I knew that voice, I have heard it too many times to be mistaken. "Ever wonder what happens if you get bitten? What do you think your family would do? What do you think your father would have to do?"

My uncle kept trying on his restraints pulling until the back of his chair broke off. He swiftly got rid of his gag and the ties around his wrists. It was too easy.

"When all it would take to change everything is one bite," my father walked from behind his brother. "One bite, and everything changes."

Of course, the Argents would go through extreme measures for their initiation. I should have known – my family had always had a knack for flair. My father walked toward me and removed the tight gag, allowing me to take deeper breaths.

"Our father/daughter dates have really stepped up their game, huh?"

"No, this is how we train." He was serious, in no mood for my sarcastic remarks. "Do you know why we use arrows and knives?"

"They can't start healing until the weapon is taken out." My dad may have had a speech planned but I already knew where this was going. It didn't take much to put two and two together.

"This look familiar?" He took out a blade he had gifted me when I was around seven years old. I took it everywhere I went, and through the years the blade had rusted and dull. How it had ended up back in my dad's possession was the question. I had gifted it to Isaac a while back as a memento of our friendship.

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