Chapter 9

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All I could do was stare wide-eyed at the man in front of me. My hands were shaking, my chest heaved, and my throat tightened. No one had ever told me they liked me, let alone that they were falling for me.

Heat started building inside me, bubbling to the surface in an uncontrollable way. I couldn't stay there for much longer. The walls in my living room were closing in on me and suddenly the air felt heavy and unbreathable. I couldn't tell if I was truly breathing or not, but my lungs ached for more oxygen as I took short and sharp breaths. Dizzily, I got up from the floor, clutching at anything that could steady me as I traveled the spinning room. All I needed was to reach the door that would lead me to the backyard – I needed air.

Derek's voice echoed in my head, asking if I was alright, but I couldn't answer. The knot in my throat tightened if I tried to speak. I knew he was worried. With his supernatural hearing I was sure he could witness the rapid speed at which my heart was beating, and probably the whooshing sounds I felt in my head.

Finally, my hands touched the cool metal of the backdoor, sliding it open as quickly as I could.

I understood what I was feeling. Not too long ago, Scott had brought me down from this feeling. I tried focusing on breathing, but the inhales only worked to add to the sting in my lungs. I fumbled in my pockets searching for the small device that could aid in my breathing, but noticing that they were empty, I outstretched my hands toward the blurry figure in front of me.

"Sky, what do you need?" Derek asked frantically.

My brain worked hard to group the letter together as well as provide enough oxygen to blurt out the words, as hard as it was. "In-in-inha-ler," I choked out. "B-bed-bedroom."

He disappeared for a few seconds, and in the blink of an eye was standing in front of me once more. Derek helped me sit on a chair as he guided the L-shaped plastic container to my lips. My shaky hands met his and tried pumping the medicine into myself, but my hands were too weak to do so. He ended up pumping the vial twice as I took in the deepest breath I could.

"Focus on my voice, Sky." I hadn't noticed when another voice joined in. Looking up through glazed eyes, I saw Isaac's figure talking me down. "Try to match my breathing, okay?"

I focused on the blond's chest, matching my inhales and exhales to the movement of it. Some minutes later, I started stabilizing. Gripping my chest, I was able to steady my breathing and have my eyes focus on the picture before me. Isaac drew soothing circles on my back as he continued guiding my breathing. Focused on my friend, I hadn't noticed that Derek had gone and fetched a glass of water.

"Feeling better?" Isaac questioned as I gulped down the cold water and nodded. "Good."

"What are you doing here, Isaac?" Derek spoke in words of annoyance. His brow had remained furrowed since the arrival of his beta, angered that he had appeared.

"I came over to visit my friend," he scoffed. "Am I not allowed to do that now?"

"You know you shouldn't be near her so close to the full moon," Derek reminded the boy. But it didn't take an expert to know that his irritation was due to something else. "Your actions are unpredictable during this time, and you could hurt her."

"Well, I didn't trigger someone's panic attack, and I feel quite in control. Can't say the same about you." Isaac pointed at the alpha's hand. His claws had grown inside his fists and had penetrated the skin of his palm, droplets of blood trickling to the lawn. "If anyone is unpredictable right now, it's not me."

"How dare you speak to me that way?! You..."

"Guys, stop!" Skyler finally yelled out, the loudness rasping her throat. "Derek, just go."

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