Chapter 18

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Emergency Family Meeting flashed on Skyler's phone at six in the morning. She groaned as the sound bounced off the walls, breaking her from a deep sleep. The brightness from her phone burned her eyes and made her groan as she read Allison's message.

The last thing she wanted was to be surrounded by Argent hunters. She didn't want to face her cousin or her grandfather; she didn't even want to face her own parents. All she wanted to do was sleep. Well, she still had school, and she had to walk Brody, but other than that, she wanted to sleep. It was the only sure way she had to avoid Derek. The more she slept, the less time she had to think. And Skyler did not want to be stuck in her head.

"Dude, turn off your phone," Isaac grumbled from the spot he had taken on her bedroom floor, hugging Brody closer as he turned away from the light. "It's too early to be awake. We still have two more hours until school starts."

"Well, it's not my fault Allison is calling for a family meeting," Skyler sighed, ripping her sheets off her body. "I'm pretty sure it has everything to do with her little revenge arc. She's probably going to tell us to go after Derek and anyone involved with him."

"Which includes me," he said. "I don't think your cousin will take well to knowing you've been harboring one of Derek's betas these last couple of days."

After everything that had gone down after Lydia's party, Isaac had been glued to Skyler's side. When she was at school, he would never be too far behind. Much to his disappointment, he had to remain outside of the halls while her family hunted him and the pack. But he made sure to keep watch of her as he hid in the woods. He claimed he didn't want her to be alone—especially after Matt's body had been found in the river—but she knew the uncertainty he had living with Derek and everything that was happening. The man had all but said you're all either entirely in or to jump ship. Erica and Boyd had turned down Skyler's offer of her home, but Isaac had been quick to agree.

Somehow, Skyler had been able to hide a 6'1" teenage werewolf in her bedroom for almost an entire week without being found out. Granted, the fact that her parents seemed to be out of the house most of the day because of the Kanima helped. They didn't really question the missing food or the fact that their daughter locked herself in her room the second she got home. Their minds were simply too preoccupied.

"I'm just gonna see what this is about, and I'll let you know what's going on," Skyler said as she slipped a hoodie over her head and tied her hair into a ponytail. "Sometimes I wish I wasn't born in this family, you know? It's like craziness follows us."

"Could be genetic."

"My biggest fear," she sighed. "But I'll see you later, okay? Don't come out until I'm back."

"I can go with you," the boy offered. "Hang out a few blocks away until you're done. Moral support, you know?"

"I can't risk having you close, Isaac. I'm not even sure what I'm walking into myself. For all I know, this is the meeting where they reveal my involvement with the pack, and I'm punished by the family."

"See, that doesn't make me feel comfortable about you going alone."

"I'm not gonna be alone," she shrugged. "My dad will be there, and he's on our side. So, I'll see you when I get back because I am coming back."

"Fine. At least I have Brody to keep me company," he said as he scratched the sleepy dog's head. "I can keep him if you don't come back, right?"

"You're hilarious."

"I try," he snickered. "Be careful, Argent."

"Always am, Lahey."

After saying a quick goodbye to Isaac and her dog, Skyler closed her bedroom door behind her and sped off to her uncle's house. The place was packed with hunters, both young and old, all preparing to take down the now-infamous Kanima. Anywhere she turned, a leather-clad hunter would meet her gaze. The girl tried her best not to feel intimidated, but their stares bore into her like they knew all of her secrets.

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