chapter 2

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Naruto's Pov~

It is 10th of October today, I sighed, when I was young, every year my dad used to wake me up with cake on my face.
But since the last 8 years, my madam, could care less if I was alive. I turn 18 today.
I smiled walking downstairs and taking out the cake from the fridge, I came back up to the attic. It's where I live.
I came upstairs when my three best friends surrounded me. "Oh, choji, how far did you smell the cake from?" I laughed as my little mouse friend climbed the table and started jumping.
Shika obviously stayed there without moving a muscle. People might think that mouse is dead, but I know that lazy-ass mouse is only sleeping. And my last best friend Kiba walked by me till the table.

I cut my cake with them and celebrated quietly not to wake my mistresses up. The three of them then pulled out 2 small glowing purple flower. I was surprised. They were so beautiful, as I was about to take them Chouji ate one. Kiba politely handed me the other flower and then bonked him on the head squeaking angrily I presume.
I laughed, they are so sweet. I shared my cake with the three of them and boy, Chouji can eat!

The rest of my day was as usual, I quietly slipped down the stairs and prepared breakfast for the three. Then on time delivered their food for breakfast in bed.
They came down later for 'herbal' tea. Enjoying their time to shame me and giving me more work.
I don't really mind actually, I have a place to stay and clothes on my body, as long as I have that I shouldn't complain.

I continued the work and in the afternoon I went to meet my beauty's baby. Yes turns out black beauty was a girl and she gave birth to a beautiful daughter. Beauty passed last year she was 32 and her daughter is now 7 years old. She is my horse.
She is fast and has a beautiful black coat her hair is super soft.
I love her.

Of course since she is mine I need to pay to take care of her, I do it by selling the fruits of the trees that I grow in the hills. I share the fruits and leaves with black berry, yes that's what I named her.
But I also need to make sure she eats hay and other things important for her health.

I rode her to the market to buy groceries since we are out of a few things.
Coming back home I heard my step-sister, Ino-san having her singing lessons, she honestly doesn't sound good but neither does sakura-san.
As for mei-sama, she doesn't either. Hearing them sing makes me crack up but I don't since I don't know what kind of punishment I might receive.

I prepared lunch for them and set it up on the table.
They took their seats and I served them.

I saw sakura-san throw her fork down on purpose.
"Hey maid, you mind picking it up for me" she said looking at me.
"Yes, madam" I answered going over to her and kneeling down to pick it up. I then felt something hot trickling down my hair and neck. I yelped and tried getting up banging my head slightly.
I saw it was sakura-san, she spilt her hot tea on me.
I looked down embarrassed, then mei-sama got up and walked to the kitchen, she threw down my plate which had my lunch on it. I saw it crash and tears stung my eyes.

"You disturbed our lunch, now you will eat only after you finish all of your work, am I clear?" she commanded me.
"Y-yes madam" I said feeling the tears roll down my face.
"Hm, now leave. I would not like your presence affecting my lunch time with my two lovely daughters"
I quickly walked away leaving them be, I heard laughter as I left the place.

I continued sobbing as I went straight back up to my room in the attic.
When I laid down on the bed my three mouse friends surrounded me again and tried to get my attention.

I looked at them and Chouji took out a stale piece of bread and cheese and gave it to me. They were only crumbs. I smiled at them.
I rejected the food and said I will have some after I finish my work.
They didn't seem convinced but chouji had already eaten it up after I rejected, all over again Kiba smacked him in the head squeaking angrily.
I laughed lightly, what would I do without them.

I heard my two step-sisters arguing and going to their room, they had finished lunch.
I slowly made my way back down stairs and cleaned the broken plate and food on the kitchen.
I did their laundry and feed the animals, I sweeped the floors and wiped the windows. I cleaned every thing and went to the fireplace to clean out the ash.

My step-sisters came down with their mother.
"Where are our Evening snacks?" sakura-san questioned me.
I stood up and bowed slightly, "In a minute madam" I said and quickly made my way over to the kitchen.
"Don't be so lazy and forgetful, you hopeless maid. Sitting by the fireplace and relaxing when you have work to do." I heard Ino say angrily, I ignored her, I mean I'm not the one sitting around and getting fatter day after day. I chuckled.

I got their snacks, pastries and chocolate biscuits for the three. My stomach grumbled, I am a bit hungry. I sighed, I'm almost done anyway.
Just clean out the fireplace, wash the utensils and mop the floors. It's cold today, I really don't feel like touching water, I shivered.

Taking their trays out to them, I saw them hungrily hogg their food. Ino-san and Sakura-san that is, Mei-sama maintained her manners and good behavior.

"Uh-uh not like that girls" She told them kindly.
"Back straight, hold the plate gently yet firmly. Take the fork in between your fingers and hold it nicely. Now take a small piece and put it in your mouth. Chew with your mouth closed" She ordered them kindly.
They followed but while eating Sakura spilt some on her dress, great more laundry.

"It's ok, you'll learn with time. One day one of you will marry a prince. My daughters are only fit for princes" She said proudly.
I looked down, I wish I had my mother here, she would share things with me and tell me she's proud of who I am.

I sighed, all in the past now. I should focus on finishing my work and getting to eat something now.

I sighed as they made their way back, bickering with each other. I finished cleaning up the fireplace and had ash all over me.
I washed the utensils and mopped the floors, my hands were freezing by the time I was done.
I went to the attic and even there it was cold. I took my diary and wrote everything that happened along with everything I wish would have happened.

Then quickly wrapped a blanket around myself and went downstairs to make their dinners.
I set the table and simply left, I don't want to ruin their dinner too now would I, I rolled my eyes and walked away.
Maybe going for a stroll will be nice, though it's cold.

I took berry out of the stable and left for a small ride just around, there was a forest a little past our house, I didn't go there though, it's already dark.

I took in the fresh air and sighed. My birthday just as always was nothing special.

I suddenly felt eyes on me, I turned around to find someone hiding behind the tree. I got off my horse and walked over to the kid.
He or she was going to run away but I called the kid back.

The kid shyly came towards me, she nervously looked at me, I smiled to comfort her a little.

"What's wrong?" I asked softly.
"I am hungry" She whispered, I smiled.
"Well, I don't have much to provide but here...." I took out two cookies and nuts that were in my pocket. They seemed in good enough shape. I saw her brighten up and take it.

She gave me a small kiss on my cheek and skipped away. I smiled happily, it feels good to help others, I don't even know how my step-sisters and step-mother find it in themselves to treat me like this.
Then again, there are all kinds of people and I choose to be a good one who doesn't complain, I just have to be a little more patient.
I smiled to myself going back to my horse and riding back home.

Author's Pov~

What he didn't know that there were actually another pair of eyes who watched his kindness.

'The way he was dressed seemed like he was a worker at someone's home. He was even covered in ashes, he must be poor. How is it that he shared what little had with someone else. Just who was this guy?'

Thought a certain man, the younger prince of the Uchiha Kingdom- out for a midnight stroll stumbled upon something beautiful inside and out.

Someone worthy of the world he has to provide, someone he would readily give his life for, someone worth treasuring. But he didn't know that yet, all he knew was that he needed to find out who that man was.

Maybe his 18 birthday was indeed special since a certain someone saw him on that day.

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