Chapter 3

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Sasuke's Pov~

I woke up in the morning, the man from last night still in my mind. I wanted to know who that was and I'm going to find out.
I got up and got dressed obviously with help, I hate it but I can't help it.

"The king has requested your presence young prince" Kakashi, my dad's most trusted adviser, came and told me.
"Hn" it's about that marriage again isn't it. I don't want to marry some random princess called Karin.
I don't even know her.

"Dad, I'm not doing this! I don't know her"
"Sasuke, you are soon to be a king. Itachi is already engaged to Inzumi. He's going to rule her kingdom. You need to do this too"
"Dad, he loves her and knows her. I don't know this Karin!" I said.
"Stop yelling sasuke, kings don't marry for love"
"Ya ok, but it's unfair when you as well as Itachi got to chose who they want to spend their life with" I growled and left the hall.

I heard him sigh behind me. "The next thing I know you will get engaged to a boy". I ignored it and got to my room.

"What do you think Susanoo, do you think I should marry. I mean it is for the kingdom" I said to my black cat.
She just mewed and curled up into a ball on my lap.
I petted her back and she purred.
Should I try and get to know Karin?
It could benefit my kingdom. I heard that they have a lot of territory under them which mean if I were to marry her then our kingdom can expand and I'll be ruling all of it.
I sighed, but I don't want this.
I don't know her, so my only option is to try and get to know her. It could be for the best and I might not regret it in the end.

I stood up making susanoo jump off, she hissed and glared at me, I disturbed her nap. "You wanna sleep take the bed and for the last time, my lap is NOT your bed you stupid cat. Go to yours" I glared back at her, she turned and sashayed away to her bed. She totally walked past her bed and got onto mine and laid down elegantly.
"Your bed, susanoo" I said shaking my head and opening the door, "You greedy cat" I chuckled as I walked out.

I went back to the throne room, "Da- I mean your majesty may I have a moment of your time?"
"Speak Sasuke"
"Before you fix my engagement can you invite her over? I'd like to get to know her before jumping into decisions" I said.
"That's my boy" He said proudly, I smiled turned around and left.

This Karin better be worth it.

I took my horse and put on a black eye mask and changed into normal clothes, I draped a black cloak over myself so it doesn't reveal my sword. I always keep my sword for my protection.

I took a white horse and set out into the kingdom for a small stroll and if luck has it I might even get to meet that man again. I smiled to myself.

Naruto's Pov~

Ah, jeez. We ran out of eggs again, along with a bunch of other greens. How does food in our house finish so fast.
"where are you going?" my step-mom asked from her seat.
"Groceries, we are out of them" I said looking at her.
"Girls, if you need anything please tell him now, he's leaving to buy groceries" she called.
The two of them came running down the stairs obviously competing with each other.

"Get me this necklace, it's new in the market" sakura showed me a horribly draw picture of a pearl necklace.
"Get me this red and black ribbon and belt set, it's also new in the market" Ino showed me another horribly draw picture.

I smiled at them and nodded, step-mom gave me the extra money and I left for the market.

I left for the village market place, buying whatever I saw was closest to their definition and drawings.

I bought the veggies and eggs, ah, I was about to forget the tomatoes.

I made my way to the tomato stand.
"Sir may I have some tomatoes?" he smiled at me.

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