Chapter - 5

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Naruto's Pov~

I woke up in the morning to find Sakura-sama in the kitchen, "Oh, good morning Naruto!" she greeted me cheerfully.

I was completely taken aback. "G-good m-morning?" I was asking her more than wishing her back.

"Well don't stand there, come here for a minute" she hurried me while going back to stirring whatever she was stirring in that bowl.

"Ye-yes?" I stuttered. Something's going to smack me in the face isn't it. Or that thing she is stirring is going to end up on my face!
I'm sure of it!

"What is it?" I asked her, mentally preparing to get smacked. "Oh, I want you to taste this and tell me what it needs! It's cupcake batter!" she exclaimed holding out the bowl to me.

Is it poisoned?
Is this the end?

I thought about that man and my parents, 'Arashi I'm sorry, guess we'll not be meeting after today. Mom, dad I'll be seeing you soon...'

I scooped it up and had it.

{(Yes, its poisoned.)
(Authors POV~)
(And that's how Naruto died....)}


I scooped it up and had it.

"Umm, I suppose it needs more butter and a lot of sugar" I said unsure about how she would react.

"Oh can you add them in right amounts?"

"Uh, sure.." I took the butter and sugar and added exactly how much I thought would be nice.

"Who is this for?" I asked her while quickly mixing the ingredients.

"Oh for mom and ino pig-" I snickered, "and you" she said.

"What!?" I jumped.

"And for you, it's for the family. You're part of it aren't you?" she smiled pouring the batter into small cupcake holders.

I trembled, "are you in this family or not?" she frowned.

"I suppose so" I whispered.

"Good!" she smiled adding the holders in the oven. (This is the traditional oven)

"But if it's just for the four of us, that's a lot of cupcakes" I say.

"Oh that.... Um" she blushed. Oh~ is she seeing some one?

"Oh, who is it for?" I teased. "Um.... Ah! Shut up.. that's none of your business!!" she blushed and looked away, I chuckled quietly.

"Oi! Forehead!" Ino called, "Oh, good morning Naruto!" she acknowledged me and turned back to Sakura, "what are you screaming on about?" she asked, mildly annoyed.

Did both of them just acknowledge my existence, and not as their maid? Am I dreaming, or did I die in my sleep last night??

"I'm don't have a big forehead, ino-pig!"
"and the sky's red" Ino said rolling her eyes.
"Oh, shut up" Sakura rolled her eyes and turned away from her.

"Ooohhh, what's that smell? Are you baking something Naruto?" Ino asked me.

"It's me ino-pig, I'm making the delicious cupcakes" Sakura said.

"Oh, then I guess it'll only smell good and not taste good at all"
"Oh, I made sure it will" she stuck her tongue out
"How, by mixing it with your forehead?" Ino laughed.
"No, you pig! Naruto helped me!" Sakura smacked her wrist with the spatula.
"Ow!" Ino glared at her, then turned towards me, "Next time I want you to help me" Ino pouted, "She can't be the only one getting special treatment" Ino whined.

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