Chapter 16

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Two weeks later....

Sasuke's pov~

"We really should call a doctor" I said while rubbing his back slowly.
"O-okay" he stuttered because of his hoarse throat. It probably put a strain on his throat from all that vomiting.

I took him back to bed and handed him some water. "When do you want the doctor to come?"
"As soon as possible..... why?"
"Well the king's doctor is very punctual. If I say as soon as possible she might come in less than five minutes, I wanted to know if you're comfortable with that"
"Yeah, I'm good with that"
I smile, "Okay, rest up. I'll be back after calling her" with that I gave him a quick kiss and was out the door.

'I hope it's nothing bad' I may not be showing my worry but I'm really afraid of what I might find out. 'Please god let it be nothing bad, that last thing I want to do is loose him'
I though my smile completely gone by now....

Naruto's Pov~

I am worried about myself. My gut feeling is positive for some reason but I have been thinking a lot about my mom. What if her disease was hereditary? Will I have to leave Sasuke too?
I don't want that.....
I will never in a million years want that.

I placed a hand over my stomach and rubbed it slowly, "What will I find out when the doctor arrives?"
I'm more worried about Sasuke, what will happen to him if it really is exactly what I'm thinking about.
'How will he take that?' I sighed frustrated on why my life just finds a way to go downhill when I finally get a grip on something.

I closed my eyes to rest and the door opened, I looked at the door to see Sasuke, "Well, the doctor's here, she can come in whenever you're ready"
"Yeah.... She can come in" right on que the door opened to reveal a woman with purple marks on her cheeks. 'She's definitely from the Nohara clan' I thought.
"Hello there Your majesty" she gave a small bow and a kind smile.
He smiled back at her widely.

Third person's Pov~

"Well while I check you up, would you want, Sir. Uchiha, to be here?" she bowed turning towards Sasuke, "My king, I mean no disrespect but I value my patients privacy" she said.
"No it's alright, I understand. You are doing good work" the raven turned towards Naruto for permission to stay but he was met with an apologetic look. He was taken by a bit of a surprise but looked at him with a soft smile, 'I understand' his black eyes told the other.
"I'll wait outside" the raven announced moving out of the door and shutting it behind him.

"My name is Nohara Rin your majesty" she smiled at him placing down her equipment.
"I'm Naruto, please call me so"
"Alright, but I really would rather call you by an honorific" she smiled apologetically. "How about..... Mr. Uchiha?" she suggested.
Naruto immediately blushed. "Uh-hu.... ye-yeah sure" he stuttered a little, she giggled at his response.
"You really do love him, don't you"
"Ye-yes" he stuttered again, no hesitation just a little embarrassment.
"I understand exactly how it feels. Me and my husband, Obito, also married out of love. We are lucky, are we not?"
"Yes, very" Naruto looked down with soft eyes and a rose tint covering his cheeks.
"Well then! Lets get started!" she said energetically. The blond held his blue necklace, given to him by Sasuke and his mothers' red necklace close together as he gave her a nod and a smile.


Outside, the raven kept pacing around, of course he had heard about Naruto's mom and what had happened to her. The thought had very abruptly came into his mind for a split second but never left.
Every passing minute spent outside that room was making him more and more anxious.
The lock clicked gently, Nohara-chan came out. She looked at the raven and signaled him to go inside.
"Well?" he asked anxiously.
"I really would prefer, Mr. Uzumaki Uchiha to tell it to you himself" She said, her eyes were gleaming with happiness and a smile she absolutely could not contain was plastered across her face.

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