A FEW MOUNTHS LATER The Ultra Sound (Chapter 5)

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I had to go get some medication and came back to school. When I got there, there was a sub in the front office to check me in. She was starring at my belly for like one hole minute, and to make things worse somehow Austin had just found out it was John's. So he was like "Hey did you hear that Emma's pregers" of course he knew, it was his baby "Did you know it's yours?" And he knew that too. At this point like every one knows cause I was really big, and everyone looked at me differently too. Then guess what bitch came up to me???? Yep Williams  ex girlfriend once again and she was all like "I hope your happy for taking his innocence, I bet you feel so special and strong",when I saw her lips moving I was so close to slapping the babbling bitches face. I looked at Mya walking by and she saved my fat ass. Williams comes up to me and said "Hey me and the guys are going to the beach, would you like to come with us?" But since we are broken up I felt like we needed time apart, so I was like "Oh I can't I have this thing" what the hell was I thinking? He replied "If you change your mind I'll save you seat in the car" but I just sat at home eating my feelings out.

Finally I decided it was time to find an adoptive family and I saw the perfect couple in black in white were Tina and Richard Brown. So a few days passed and we went to their house, and filled out all the paper work. They were very boring and they
were all rich and fancy. I didn't really get connected with them. When we were done talking we left. When I got in the car my parents were still mad at me. I mean it has been like 5 months get over it I'm pregnant, I made a mistake. I told Williams that I found a family and he should come with us next time when go to meet with the family, then he said " That will be cool " .
A few weeks went by and I had my next ultra sound, which I guess is ok cause that gel stuff is freakishly cold.
I had the ultra sound the next day so I asked John if he wanted to come with us. He said "I will have to ask my mom", which kinda offended me cause it's his baby. I asked my mom if John could come and she said that was fine with her. So the painful day went by and one of John friend came up to me, and knocked my books out of my hands and said "Are you going to bend down and pick them up?" Then a single tear rolled down my cheek as I looked ahead like a statue. Austin saw what happened, and picked them up and kinda looked weirdly in my eyes it looked like he was about to say some thing then my phone rang it was John saying that he could go.
So the next day Mya went to school with me then Austin texted me and said "I need to talk to you", so I went to get Austin and he said that he was in love me and that he always had that's why he wants the best for me. I just stared at him in confusion and told him "I'm flattered but I'm not going to love a guy I knew since we were babies, I've known you too long and I shouldn't really be dating in my condition" he walked away like he got hit in the chest with a brick. I felt so bad. Mya was wondering what was going on and I told her, and she was also surprised. Then I had to go to the restroom cause the baby was having a fight with my bladder, and when I was walking down the hallway. I saw John  putting on his cherry Chapstick, and for some odd reason that is his only vice, because the night we had sex, his lips were soft and tasted like cherries. I went to the restroom and then the bell rang. Every one pushed me aside like I wasn't even there. Later that day in history class some people were giving me the ugliest looks, I just played it off like it was nothing. At the end of the day John and Mya came to my moms room so we could get going to the hospital. Me and Mya were sitting in the back babbling away, and John sat in the front seat very awkwardly.
We got there, and got in the room then the lady looked surprised to see me laying on the table, she asked me who everyone was and I told her "Well that's my friend Mya and that's John". she said in a stupid way "Well is John not your friend?" And I said "No no no he's the father". She looked surprised again. She put that gel on my tummy. Then just like that there it was. there "she" was. The whole room filled with awws and I looked over at John and I saw a few tears roll down his cheek. I smiled, and Mya was hugging my neck like a maniac, and my mom was also crying. After I got the gel whipped off my tummy we went to pay and got like 10 pictures of the baby. I gave one to Mya and asked Williams if he wanted one and he said " sure" , so I gave the pic to him. I handed out a few pictures to my really close friends and my close teachers. They got all teary, also it was really nice to see that they cared.

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