Chapter 3: I really like your eyes...

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~Hello everyone! As I said in the previous chapter at the end, there is an attempted rape scene here, and I will put a warning prior to it so you may skip that section if you're uncomfortable reading it. Hope you enjoy Chapter 3!~

There were a few paths in and out of the property, and you took a very specific one that led right to town and towards your home. Being fairly close enough, less than an hour's walk, you didn't really bother driving your car, as the walk was usually very relaxing anyway, and it gave you some exercise. More or less your car was pretty much useless, unless you needed to travel very far, which was rare. The only reason you'd go far was to visit your parents, which, you didn't have much interest in anyway... You were thankful to be apart of their giant cash flow, which allowed you to operate your small shelter free of charge, but other than that, you did your best to avoid a lot of contact with your parents...

     Most shelters were just big open rooms where everyone slept together only separated by cots and maybe a few moveable dividers and they all ate the same thing from whatever was provided and all had to share the bathrooms. They still served purpose, and you didn't think poorly of anyone offering at least a roof and a place to sleep, but you aimed to help even more. Sure your place could only hold a limited few, but with all the resources you offered to help people get back on their feet again, they rarely stayed long, and you hardly ever saw the same person come back again. More often than not, they were in much better situations after leaving your place. A lot of people or even small monsters weren't even there more than a couple days at times, so you always seemed to have room. It was still fairly new though, not having been opened for a long time, so you wondered once more people found out about it, would you run out of space?

     Being lost deeply in your thoughts, you hummed along, slowly starting to see the back door lights of the small shopping strip you always visited on your way home. Walking in the back alley behind the buildings, it was more out of the way and private so you could be alone with your thoughts, the only noise being the light clacking of your heels on the ground. Plus, none of the other stores were open, but this particular grocery store was the only one nearby that opened really early in the morning, and you were thankful for it. Not having to venture back out later was a huge relief, and it allowed you to stay at home to relax for a couple days after your overnights at the shelter. They didn't happen all the time, but you definitely volunteered to do more overnight work than your staff, feeling it was more of your responsibility no matter how much they would offer to help. Most days of the week you'd sleep there, or, sort of sleep while keeping an ear out for the door. There was always one or two other overnight people there, but one's job was to patrol the grounds, and the other person was on the basement level, helping out where the small monsters were. It was the best way to keep the monsters separated from the people, and they even had their own little tunnel entry and exit so they could feel safe as well to not be seen by any humans while coming in and out. It was almost a completely separated place, as even the elevator could only go down to it or up from it with a staff key. It was known you also helped harmless monsters, but everyone felt more at ease being divided off from each other, so you kept it that way.

The store was fairly close at this point, maybe another ten minute walk. Pulling out a small shopping list from your bag, you slowly reviewed it to make sure it had everything you needed on it, and to think if there was something else you might need to add. "Ah, crap I almost forgot about cabbage..." you muttered in irritation, digging for a pen in your bag as you halted in the back alley behind all the shops. The single light that was there illuminated a bit of the area, but it was still pretty dim and didn't allow you to see in your bag that well. "Oh come on." groaning, you held your bag open a bit more to allow extra light into it hopefully. "Gotcha!" You declared proudly to no one while finally finding the pen. You bent over a bit to use your leg as something solid to write on as you added cabbage to your shopping list. "There's that....and oh! Might as well grab some more paper towels, and dish soap..." While scribbling down your last minute items, you heard a couple of quiet footsteps approaching you from behind and you froze, your pen stopping on the letter 'o' for soap. No one was ever out this fact you had been convinced for the longest time now that the owner of the small grocery store opened it this early specifically for you cause months ago you would just sit out on their front sidewalk bench for a couple hours waiting for it to open. For the last several months you walked through this back alleyway to the store, you never heard or saw anyone else...ever.
You looked around slowly, straining your eyes to try to see if anyone or anything was near... Was it other people, or, monsters?? Not many serious monsters would come around this area, but being completely alone and being attacked by one was still a horrifying thought.

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