The government secretly created a new project called Metamorphosis. This project can make humans more intelligent and have amazing abilities. This plan didn't have any effect and it failed on normal, matured people. Then they discovered that it will only work on children under 6 years of age. Because their brains haven't fully matured yet and that's why it doesn't work on matured ones.
The government took at least 500 childrens as their test subjects. They begin the project somewhere in Germany. The children don't have names, they were known by numbers. 2 years has passed, more than half of the children died because of this project and they were forced to shut it down. But the person who discovered this project along with his 4 assistants plans to continue the project. So they decided to secretly continue the project and relocate their hideout. They took the 210 surviving children to continue the project.
After a year of research, the project was a complete success and some of the children died when they obtain a special ability. Frank Watson, the man who started with this project, decided to train these surviving children to be professional assassins to get revenge for those people who shut down his project and ruining his image as the number one scientist in the government.

ActionFive assassins, Five targets, and One protector. a game for the sake of their own desires. Six is one of the assassins, after she met one of the targets she turned down the deal and started to be the five target's protector. will she win? or lose so...