"...Fred Watson. I'm your boss's brother.." He introduces himself.
"I never knew Watson had a brother." Four said. None of us knew it either.
"Well, now you know son...." Fred said.
"So where's Watson? Shouldn't he be here with us?" Eight asked. Then Watson's brother picks up the remote and turns on the T.V. it's a video message from Watson.
"Good evening. It appears that I can't come with you tonight because there's something that i still need to take care of." Said Watson. Five and Four looks pissed just seeing Watson not being here."Now, the one who will explain the rules to you is my younger brother, Fred." Fred waves his hand.
"Good luck" he said with a big smile on his face. Then Fred pressed another button and the rules appeared on the screen.
"Here are the rules; 1st Rule - each of the assassins must give to one of the targets a warning letter before the assassination attempt. Your time limit to do the assassination is 48 hours. If one attempts the assassination without giving the letter to his/her target will be eliminated and must return to camp imediately. 2nd Rule-"
"Why do we need to send them letters when we can just kill them right on the spot?" Four said with his arms crossed each other.
"Why? Because Frank and I want some amusement. It wouldn't be interesting if you guys will just kill them all in one day. That's why we decided to held up a game. It's fun" he chuckled.
"....How childish." I said while I leaned back on my seat. So the five of us are like game pieces and use us for them to be entertained. They really like toying with people's lives. They toy with other people just to keep them from being bored.
Fred stared at me and then smiled. Creepy. "For the 2nd Rule - If one assassin already gave one letter to the target, the others shall not send a different letter to a different target. Rule 3 - If the assassin fails to kill its target. He/she will return to camp imediately..."
"Ha. You think I'll fail to kill them?" Four said with full confidence on himself. All of us just stared at him as he puts his both hands behind his head and leans back.
"You're such a big mouth. This is not just about you. You know. So shut up" Five said coldly.
"So what? Of course I'm going to win and get the reward. While all of you will be stuck at that hell island. " Four smirked. Five was about to lose temper, she's making fists with her hands, she's trying to resist the anger coming out.
"Don't be so ahead of yourself, Four. Remember that Six is still here." I glanced at Eight when he mentions my name.
"Six? She's not gonna win. She's too soft to kill anyone." Four said. I just kept quiet. I couldn't even careless if he mocks me. I always control my emotions. If I let my emotions take over me, such chaos will happen. Like last time, it was 6 years ago at the testing room. They put me in a white room and theres a giant see through window on the other side, seeing Watson looking at me. They tied me up in a chair and they injected me with some kind of medicine. I started to see images flashing through my eyes. I was so scared, mad, and full of pain like I was about to die. The next thing I knew is that when I opened my eyes, the whole room was full of spikes of ice and some of my hair turned white. I hear them saying that I was emotionally unstable that I was a threat to them. But they didn't get rid of me after that. I don't know why.
"Aaahh!" Four screamed pain. "What the-!" All of our attention went to Four. His wristwatch just exploded leaving a redish mark on his wrist.
"Oops... I think I accidentallypushed this button because you're really started to get annoying." Eight said sarcastically. The prankstar strucks again. "Don't worry. That bomb was pretty harmless. It won't give you any bruises. Just a scratch."
"Why you-! When did you-?!" Four demanded an answer from Eight.
"I knew you'll interrupt this flight with that attitude of yours. So I thought of putting a bomb in your watch to stop your annoyance." Said Eight while he waves the remote in front of Four's face. Four is making fists with his hands.
"Ehhem! Moving on..." Fred said and everyone settled down. "Rule 4 - outsiders cannot be involved in your assassination and the game. That means students outside of class, teachers, and staff. Then lastly Rule 5 - the person who wins the game shall be rewarded by his/her desires. Of course you all knew that one." Fred said and he turned off the screen. "Does any of you have a question about this event?"
Five raises a hand. "When will this "game" end?" She asked.
"Well, maybe.... until graduation day." He answered with a little thought in his mind. "Well.... you should rest. We have a long flight ahead of us. And I guess one of you already did." He pointed at Nine. Nine is already fast asleep. Guessing that she'd slept before the rules was even announced. "When she wakes up. Can one of you please explain the rules to her." He said while covering his eye with his left hand.
And so we did. The lights went dim and the others positioned themselves to rest. I stayed up a little late. I'm still not convinced. I'm still puzzled. I feel uneasy. As I kept thinking it over and over, I started to close my eyes and fell asleep.

AzioneFive assassins, Five targets, and One protector. a game for the sake of their own desires. Six is one of the assassins, after she met one of the targets she turned down the deal and started to be the five target's protector. will she win? or lose so...