The flight took at least 5 hours. I got up and grabbed my bag, ready to leave.
"Hey, Look at that" Eight said to me while tapping on my shoulder. I turn around and saw him pointing at Four, waking Nine up.
"Hey, wake up!" He's forcing her to wake up. "Wake up poison freak!" Then Nine punches him while she's still half asleep.
"That hurt bitch." Four said while rubbing his cheek. And Nine is still sleeping. Four tries to punch her face but Nine dodges it.
"Five more minutes...." Nine moaned while she hugs the blue pillow.
"Is she always like this?" Four asked.
"I say let's leave her here." Five suggested while she puts on her bag.
"We can't do that. Let Six wake her up." I glanced at Eight and looked at me. "C'mon! Wake her up."
"Why should I?" I said coldly. Why me?
"Well... You guys are close, right? I often see you two talking." Eight said. With that the other two looked at me bit of surprised. I can't deny that, it's true that we often talked but we are not close. We frequently bumped into each other at the lab and sometimes in the restrooms.
"You talked to her before?" Four asked.
I shrugged. "Who knows. She just pops out and starts talking to me." Now that I think about it, no one has ever spoken to her but me. People in camp are sometimes avoiding her. Some of the rumors say that Nine's the experiment that went actually wrong and need to be dispose off. But Watson disapproves and took care of her, or should I say to continue experimenting her. I don't know if the rumors are real or not. I just find her weird.
"Just wake her up so we can leave." Five complaint. Somehow I always thought if Five was also an experiment that went wrong. She shows too much of her emotions, very impatient, hot blood, and short-tempered. She is somewhat..... kind of obnoxious. "We don't have the time Six. Watson's brother's probably waiting for us." I forgot to add that she's big-mouthed.
"Then.... hand me that glass." I said pointing at the small table near Four.
Four gives me the half glass of water and poured it all on Nine's head. And waited for her to wake up with a surprised look on her face. But it didn't work.
"Tss. Did she drank her own poison or something?" Says Four.
"do we have any ice cubes?" Eight asked.
"We have an unlimited supply of ice right here." Five said as she points her finger right at me. I was a bit offended as she said.
"Can you, Six?" Eight said. He tilted his head to the left, where Nine is. "You know what I mean." He said and smiled.
I groaned. I know what he means. I came closer to Nine and grabbed another glass of water. But this time I turned the water to ice and placed it under Nine's shirt. Nine suddenly jumped up and hit her head that makes a loud thud.
"Owowow. C-c-cold!" She said while rubbing her head. "Why'd you do that?" She said with her teary eyes. I looked away feeling irritated.
"You just used your power to wake Nine up but didn't use it when we fight?" Five said with sarcasm. I stare at her coldly. She giggled like a little girl.
"Can you just shut up." I said leaving her a deadly glare. I always think that it's possible for me to turn people to ice since every human is composed of 70% of water in them.
"Don't even think about freezing Five. That won't do any good." Said Eight. I sighed heavily.
"I know. I know." I've already tried it a long time ago. It would have worked if the other trainers hadn't interupted it. That was the time I almost got rid of her in my life.

AzioneFive assassins, Five targets, and One protector. a game for the sake of their own desires. Six is one of the assassins, after she met one of the targets she turned down the deal and started to be the five target's protector. will she win? or lose so...