"... you're Crystal Fernandez, right? Nice to meet you!" She asked. Grabbing my hand and shook it fast. I'm confused. I mean one of the targets happens to be my rommate. Did Watson set this up? I furrowed my forehead trying to think this through. "I'm Emerald Hunter by the way."
"how'd you know my name?" I asked.
"Easy, i looked in through to the school's website." She answered.
"School's website?"
"Yeah." She goes to her desk and opened her laptop. I saw her typing the school's website. "When I heard that my current roommate transferred, i'm curious of who it might be." She clicked on a page which shows the 2nd floor of the girl's dorm building. "See?" A map shows up And she points out at our room. Our names were listed in it. Then her watch started to make a high beeping sound.
"Oh shoot! We'll be late. C'mon!" She grabs my hand again and rushed outside. "You're also in class A, right?" She said."What about my bag?" I said as we run the hallways.
"Don't need it. Just copy my notes later. Okay?" She said. What does she mean by don't need it? "You'll be fine. no need to be nervous."
"I'm not" I said. We left at the girl's dormitory and entered at the main. We climbed the stairs until we reached our first class in the 4th floor. We bumped in some other students and one of them fell out of balance and almost fall down the stairs. Emerald appologizes afterwards. We took a few turns and finally reached our class.
"Aww.... I hate stairs... It's amazing that.... you didn't even break a sweat." Emerald said as she's trying to catch her breath. seriously? just 4 floors and your sweating? I looked inside the room and saw the others are already inside, They are sitting far apart. The class only have 9 students including me . "Shall we go inside?" She said and I nod. She twists the knob and opens the door. The both of us entered the room and find a place to sit. she sits next to Meguire and Marlowe.
I sat at the far end of the class. Eight sits in front of me, then he turns and look at me. "Yo!" he said.
"what do you want?"
"Ouch. Is that the way you greet someone for the first time?" he grinned. "I'm Noah by the way. and you're?" he held out his hand to give a handshake.
"...Crystal.."I said.
"I finally got your name." he said with a smile.
"This is stupid." I murmured myself.
"What is?"
"Everyone's playing students. It's a total farce."
"It's kind of interesting if you asked me." He said then He looked at my desk. "Where's your stuff?" He asked.
"I left it by the bed."
He chuckled. "Why?"
"That girl suddenly grabbed my hand and ran all the way here."
Then he laughed and made me a bit irritated. "Speaking of which," he pointed at Hunter. "Since when did you start to learn how to make friends?" He grinned.
"She's not my friend."
"Ohoh! Really now?" He said with a smirk on his face. "Lucky for you, you already have an easy target."
"Shut up." He then turns to face at front when a man, who I think its our homeroom teacher, enters the room. All of us had our eyes on him. He then took out a piece of paper and called out our names as attendance. But there are two names that I'm not familiar with, Luke Rayleigh and Cody Splot. Cody Splot is the one sitting next to me. He's wearing a hoodie. He has brownish redish hair, brown eyes, and pale-ish skin. Luke Rayleigh, on the other hand, was not here.
The bell rang and school's over. Other students left the classroom and hangs out with their other friends at other classes. I got out of the class. Just as I got out of the class. "Crystal!" Eight called my name. "Wait up!"
"What?" I said coldly.
"Let's eat!" He said with a smile. "The food here is great! Better than the ones on the island."
"Eehhh? Why not?"
"I've got something to do."
"Heh. Like bonding with your 'new best friend'?" He pouted. I walked away without replying. I went down to exit the main building and go to the girl's dorm. But just when I'm at the stairs that leads to the first floor, nine showed up.
"What do you want?" I asked.
"Oh? Don't be harsh. I was just going up stairs." She said as she climbed 3 steps up. "Don't tell me that you thought i have something to do with you, would it?" She said looking over her shoulder. Then she grinned.
"Not even the slightest." I answered.
"Fine. See you then." She climbed up her way to the next floor.
I continued my way down and exited the building. The air was warm and the sky was cloudy. I look around and see students walking around and sitting underneath the trees. I know that this place and the camp are different, but i can't shake off the feeling that I feel like I'm still in that place. I arrived at the front of my door, before I could touch the knob, my phone buzzes. I took out the phone from my pocket and I got a message from Watson.

ActionFive assassins, Five targets, and One protector. a game for the sake of their own desires. Six is one of the assassins, after she met one of the targets she turned down the deal and started to be the five target's protector. will she win? or lose so...