I didn't sleep well again last night because of these weird nightmares I'm having. Still not sure of what it is. All I could remember was fire and the bloody red color. Nothing more. I turned on the faucet and washed my face. What happened last night just suddenly crossed my mind. It's crazy that I actually did that. To them, especially Watson, this is the first time I actually acted upon my own. Watson's words also crossed my mind. 'Great consequences awaits her.' I've expecting that one through. And no matter what, I will not fail.
Then there's Zero, the new guy. A mysterious guy, who appeared out of nowhere, suddenly takes part of the game. Who exactly is he? It's hard to believe that he's in that place and never set foot out of the lab for 10 years. And what's with that stare he made last night? It felt uneasy. I quickly grabbed the towel and wiped it on my face. I opened the door to get out of the bathroom. Hunter's standing in front.
"Hey!" She greets in her fruity tone and wide smile.
"Care to join us for breakfast?" She said while opening her phone.
" 'us'?"
"Yeah. Me and my friends." She answered. "Care to join?" Then asked while typing something on her phone. What's wrong with this girl? She is so carefree. I wouldn't be surprised if she would be given a card first. I let out a sigh. Before I could even utter a word, she puts her phone in back her pocket and said, "I already told them you wanted to join. And they're waiting for us. So lets go!." She grabs my wrist and drags me out of the room.
"Hey!" I called as we walk down the stairs, still holding my wrist. "Hunter." She didn't respond.
"Why would I join breakfast with you and your friends?" I feel Hunter grips my wrist tighter. She was quiet and looking down while walking. It made me a bit confused. She didn't responded. I called her out again. Nothing. We're almost at the main cafeteria. "Hey! Hunter?!"
We stopped walking and the cafeteria was just a few steps away. "Don't call me that..." Her voice sound different from before. Instead of that jumpy and happy tone, her tone sound odd. "... Call me by my name, okay?" Then back to her normal voice. She lets go of my wrist and enters the cafeteria. Turns around and mouthed come on with a small smile on her face. Just now, she acted different.
I followed her inside. The cafeteria looks top-class. The tables and chairs, silverwares, a buffet table, the food, and a large chandelier hanging at the center of the cafeteria. The place is almost full of other students eating. While walking I see Hunter waving ate me by their table. And not surprise of what "friends" she's with. I came closer to them and she stood up.
"Guys, I believe you knew her already. Crystal, meet Nathalie and Daniel. Guys, Crystal, my new roomie." She introduced then hugged me. The two of them laughed at us. I groaned.
"Take a seat." Meguire pointed the vacant seat right across from him. Hunter pushed me to take a seat. Then she sits next to me.
"She's shy." Hunter stated. What?
"I see." Marlowe giggled. "So, tell us a little something about yourself. You know, general stuffs?"
"Does it matter?" I said coldly. I stand up and walk away.
"Wait. Where are you going?" Hunter grabbed my blouse.
"Go grab something to eat. I'm hungry." She looses her grip and I started to head to the buffet table.
"Wait! I'll come with." She jogged and caught up to me. She tilted her head to look at me as we walk. "They just want to meet you."
"Right." I grabbed a tray and pick something to eat.
"Why're you so difficult?" She asked while grabbing a plate of pancakes. Me? Difficult? How so?
"Sorry that she's being a difficult friend for you, Emerald." And Eight stepped in. Great. Another annoying one appeared. "... She's not normal. Believe me." You idiot.
Hunter chuckled. "Hi! Uhh... Noah?" He nods. "Do you know each other?"
"Besides being in the same class? Nope." He looks at me and winks. I let out a deep sigh. Why is he here? And Hunter was smiling at me and moving her eyebrows. "... Oh and Crystal? Can I talk to you for a sec?"
Hunter elbowed me. "I'll be at the table." She whispers and leaves. Leaving me with Eight.
"Some friend huh?" He smirked.
"What do you want Noah?" I asked. I grabbed some bread and butter and put it in my tray. Looking at him, he made a face. "What?"
"You said my name." He replied. I shook my head. Is this guy stupid? I walk passed by him and he followed. "It's about last night." Right. Last night. That event hasn't left my mind yet.
"What about it?" I asked and grabbed an apple.
"You made a stunt back there.... And pretty stupid."
"Funny hearing it from you." Saying I'm stupid that is. "You and I are enemies now. So leave." I said and turn my back against him. Then he stopped me with his hand.
"See, that's the thing. I don't want you as my enemy." He clrearly stated. My eyebrows furrowed when he said that line. "I'm on your side."
"What do you mean?"
"Well... I want to help you." He said.
"Are you some retard?" I said while holding my temper. This is crazy. He is out of his mind. Why side with me all of a sudden?!
"I know! I know. It's stupid. And I've already thought this through." He explained. He took a deep breath and exhaled.
"You'll be out if they know-"
"But, the rules say we'll be out if we violate any of the rules." He stated and I nodded. Where is he getting at? Of course he'll be violating the rules because.... "But what I'm doing doesn't affect any of the rules. I'll help until this game ends. I' m still an assassin. But I won't kill anybody. I promise
"An assassin promise that he won't kill? There really is something wrong with your head."
He's right though. Not killing, until this ends, doesn't mean you'll be sent back. That thought didn't apply on the rules. But why would he suddenly be on my side? "Why should I trust you?" I have doubts about him.
"Because... I'm your closest friend?" He shrugged. Closest friend? Since when did he think that we're friends?
"Do whatever you want. You're an annoying one." I shook my head and head back to the table. He seemed happy.

AksiFive assassins, Five targets, and One protector. a game for the sake of their own desires. Six is one of the assassins, after she met one of the targets she turned down the deal and started to be the five target's protector. will she win? or lose so...