Chapter 1

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Percy POV:

As I killed the last dracaena of the small monster army, I looked at the destruction that I've caused. The tents were on fire, monster blood everywhere, from when I only just nicked the or gave them a fatal wound that bled out before turning the monster to dust. I sighed as I retracted my claws, thank the gods that I was a werewolf, because if I didn't have these claws, I would've been dead meat already.

With one last look around, I headed towards my pack. The cave that we were stationed at was hard to find, even when your looking for it. I scaled up a tree where I'd stashed the dear, just before I met the monster army. It was large enough to feed my pack but not enough for me. I hauled it on my back, and continued my journey. 

The cubs greeted me first, running around my legs, licking my hands and their tails swinging wildly in the air. After they calmed down my second-in-command, Hunter, stopped 2 feet from my, bowed his head and said, though with his mind, My leash. I see that you have been successful in bringing us food. Thank you My Lord. I groaned "How many times do I have to tell you, don't call me My Leash or My Lord or any of that crap, call me Percy, P-E-R-C-Y". The all grey wolf grinned, or as close you can, being a wolf and all. I started to distribute fair amounts to all of the wolves, depending on their size and age and, just as I predicted, there was enough for everyone except for me. My Leash, please you must eat something. You haven't eating anything these past few days and you need your sustenance. Hunter pleaded, but I dismissed it, I couldn't see my wolves starve for my selfish gain. As they finished eating, I smothered out the fire, as to not alert other predators of our current position and went to sleep, cuddled up together, providing warmth for one another.

Third Person POV:

As morning came, Percy did his routine, wake up, hunt for breakfast, come back and give the wolves their portions and play with the cubs. He'd been doing this ever since he became the leader of this pack, which means for about two years now. Being leader wasn't easy, you had to provide them shelter and water, hunt for food and make sure everything is taking care of, though sometimes pack leaders leave the heavy work for the male wolves and eat all the food that they had hunted and captured and drink all the water they had found, not having enough to provide themselves and their young ones, but are too scared to speak up. That was how he found this pack two years ago, with the wolves starving and dehydrated and the pack leader full to the brim. So he fought the leader and after some nasty scars were given, and Percy shifting from person to werewolf, he had finally won. He detested those wolves and whenever there was a pack in need of his help he would do in any way he can.

Hunting this early in the morning was refreshing for the young leader, as the cool wind hit his face and the smell of different types of plants hit his nose. His feet were silent after years of pracricing, he had finally mastered it. Not even Hunter, with him being older and more experianced as a wolf in hunting, could hear him sneak up on him. He stopped a few miles. turning into a wolf for more grace and power, though he did have thoes things as a human, he prefered hunting as a wolf. He lifted his nose and smelled for any sign of dear, rabbit or dove nearby, and he picked up a sent of roasted meat, 300 yards to his right. He changed his direction to the source of smell and managed to get there in under half a minute. In mid-leap heturned into a human and scaled a nearby tree that overlooked the place where he smelled the meat. As he came at the top of the tree, he didn't expect to find a teenager, 13 years old, in a silver hunters outfit directly in front of him. 

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