Chapter 5

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Third Person POV:

The third time the two parties met was by Percy rushing into the hunters camp, literally. A few hour beforehand, Percy and his pack were moving from Grfford Pinchot National Froest to Coconina National Forest in Arizona which was a long and hard trip, about a thousand, one hundred miles from where they were previously, but it was worth it for them since it could provide them cover from the falling snow.

Three quarters into the trip, they were jumped by hundreds of monsters, all different power and size. The trained wolves would usually jump right into action and take them down in an hour but now that they were travelling with their cubs and untrained male and female wolves, they played defence, only attacking when they got too close. Many wounded wolves, trained and untrained, male or female, small or large were being wounded left and right, howls of pain were sounded throughout the forest.

Percy attacked with rage and precision in both his forms, wolf and human. Finally the ast monster turned to dust but they didn't get killed without leaving a mark. Fifteen of his wolves were on the ground wounded horribly but treatable, but the medical things that they had werent even close to enough, so Percy, after telling the other wolves to stay on guard, sprinted as fast as he can, nearly 500 miles per second, breaking the sound barrier with a sonic boom.

But he didn't care for that, he is mind was filled with worry for his wounded, trying to find a town or a campsite that he could raid and after a few minutes he saw tents in the distance and kept giong. He entered the campsite slowing down to a normal human jog. He heared shouting in the backround but he didn't listen to it. Figures appered in fromt of him blocking his way and he tried rushing past them but they started shooting at him so he did something he never thought he would do, he faught back the poor people.

Lady Artemis felt a powerful presence enter without her permission so she alerted he hunters and started gathering her gear though she was sure her hunter could take sure of the threat, she still wanted to help. She heard her hunters shout at the man and the sound of a bow string being pulled back, but what caught her attentios was the body falling to the ground. She didn't feel any pain so she guessed her hunters had taken care of it when she heard one of her newest hunter, May, scream in fright. 

Artemis ruched out of her tent to see a giant black wolf in the middle of all of her hunters unconcious, all exept one, her most loyal and brave hunter, Zoe Nightshade. She kept firing arrow after arrow at the wolf but it kept doging them skillfuly so Artemis joined in, though she couldn't help but feel that she had meet this wolf before and from the look on Zoe's face, she was thinking the same thing.

 The wolf turned into a fifteen year old boy, raven black hair and sea-green eyes that pulsed with power , rage, hurt and pain. She could also see that his vision was clouded with thoes emotions. He attacked both the lieutenant and the leader of the hunt. 

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