Chapter 6

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Artemis, although nearly three millennial old, haven't once meet one who could beet all her hunters with out a scratch and still be able to fight the goddess herself, yet here she is, every single one of her hunters knocked down, exept her fierce lieutanant, Zoe Nightshade. They made an impossible team to beat but here was a boy making their beliefs crumble. 

As he knocked down Zoe, Artemis felt rage course through her veins and started moving so fast that to the human eye you would see blurred shapes of knives trying to penetrate his skin yet he kept up her pace and made moves that she didn't know even existed. Finally, after a long battle Artemis slumped down a tree trunk, completly out of breath while the boy's breath only sounded heavy, her skin littered with bruses and small scratches that weren't fatal in the slightest, but here she was, at the mercy of the boy who managed to defet her, waiting for her inevitabble fate that had been bestewed upon her. She closed her eyes waiting for whatever the boy had in plan for her but felt nothing. Opening her eyes slowly she saw him rummaging inside a tent. Pervert, she thought but when he came out, he only had medical supplies, loads of them by the looks of it.

By now her eye-lids were getting heavy and was hard to even stay awake, much less stand and fight. So she let her tierdness take over, seeing as the boy was moving towards her. The last thing she heard before the darkness took her were two words. "I'm sorry."

Percy ran as fast as he dared to as to not drop the medical supplies and not to strain his legs too much since they were already feeling that they would explode any second. After two minutes he finally arrived to the place where he had left his pack and , thankfully, there wasn't any attack while he was gone. He quickly tended the wounded wolves but, since he took to long, his third-in-command, Shaba, died due to the loss of blood. They made a small burial and Percy whished her luck in the afterlife, that is if animals had an afterlife to go to. The night was broken with the sound of fifty pained howls.

The hunters had finally gotten their conciousness back and when they saw the sight of their mistress they rushed to help her, making her drink the nectar and forcing her to eat as much ambrosia as possible. Half an hour later, their mistress was on her feet. "What the hlee just happened!?" Naomi asked, head in hands. They were gathered together nezt to the campfire trying to process what had just happened. "A boy knocked us all out with ease." Artemis told her hunters. "His power and skills were unpredictable and complicated for me even to get a gist of it meaning that he had the power to bring one major goddess to her knees when beating her hunters just seconds beforehand. And he was much faster than I was which should have been impossible, not even Hermes could match up to!" she said in slight frustration. The hunters had never seen lose a fight, much less to a man. 

As their thoughts continued to wander, the bush just outside their camp perimeter moved. They all got up and took defence stances though they were sore and tiered. The boy who was standing in front of them was the same one that had knocked them unconcious. The hunters shuffled their feet nervously. Had he come to finish the job? Will killing them mean something to him? He had both his hands in the air, showing them that he had no weapon, though they knew that he could turn into a wolf before they even blinked, so their wepons stayed on him.

"I just came to say that your mistress is about to get a painful headache." he said, shrugging his shoulders. "What did you do to our mistress, boy?" Kelsy, who had joined the hunt in the 1900's. "Nothing, it's just that a wolf died." Just then their patron gasped holding her head in pain. The hunters averted their gaze from the boy to Lady Artemis, worried looks were send her way. After a minute the pain stopped and their mistres stood up straight. "You just killed an animal in my doman!" she shouted at him, though not having enough energy to fight, not even the hunters. He raised an eyebrow "Why would I kill someone from my own pack he asked looking directly in her eyes. That's when it finally clicked as to why his face looked similar, he was the boy that helped them with their little werewolf problem.

Over the past couple of months, from when they first meet, they would send letters back and forth to one another, making plannes as to how take out den's and were they were located to send the nearest one to attack and even were good friends, even though they never meet in person , that is until now.

"Percy." the goddess asked.

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