Chapter 2

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Third Person POV:

Luckly for him, and thanks to him being silent, the hunter didn't turn around. He mentally sighed in relief as she had a loaded bow in hand, ready to be used at a moment's notice. He slowly climbed down the tree and made headway in the other directions. He didn't make it far as a silver arrow made it's way into a trunk that was directly in front of him, having doged out of the way. He slowly turned around, hands raised showing that he carries no wepons though his claws could spring out in a millisecond. As he faced his attacker, he wasn't expecting a twelve year old with auburn hair and startiling silver eyes with an arrow pointed at his chest. He could practically feel and smell the power radiating off of her. Behind her were a group, simillary dressed and all pointing their arrows at him, they all showed similar power as the one with the silver eyes, though weaker, but that didn't mean that he would underestimate them. He raised an eyebrow at them, silently asking them what's wrong? "What are you doing here, boy?" she demanded more than asked and spat the word boy at his as if it was the worst type of insult she could come up with. The question came from a girl with copper skin and onyx eyes. Unlike the others, she had a silver tiara on her head, meaning that she was second-in-comand or the lutendiant of these hunters. 

Percy looked directly in her eyes, not even flinching at the glare that was sent her way."Well Iwas hunting food for my pack and smelled meat coming from this direction, so I followed it, and here we are."Percy responded, giving her a short version of what happened."And also this is my territory, so if you would so kindly move your camp a few yards back, we'll be all good." shrugging his shoulders at the end. It was true, he and his pack made their territory 500 yards from their position, in all directions and these hunters were inside their territory."You men are all the same, thinking that everything is yours" the silver eyed girl spat at him.

The hunters then were confused as when the boy turned to the leader of the wolves, Lady Artemis's wolf, like he was making a conversation with the scariest wolf of the pack, sometimes he scares the hunters with his power jaws. The boy and Luna, the white wolf of Lady Artemis, both nodded as if coming to an agreement."You can stay in this area, but you have to hunt outside my territory, which means 5 yards out." the boy told them while Luna nodded at her mistress in confermation. 

Lady Artemis looked at the boy in discust but also with curiosity. He had lot's of power coming off of him in waves"How did you comunicate with my wolf, boy!?" she said, anger rising to the point of shouting by the end, thinking that he had done something to Luna."Well us alpha's have a way to comunicate, you know, through thought's."

Zoe looked at the thing that made her wake up earlier than she was suppost to, at least we'll rid another boy off the planet, she thought, which brought a smile to her face." You men think that you could domanate us women by being the 'alpha' but your all pigs looking for attention." Zoe spat looking directly in his eyes, trying to detect fear but only shown curiosity and .... power, which confused her.

"I am hurt by your words, lieutenant" he said, putting a hand on his heart displaying fake hurt, which made Zoe angrier but before she could say anything else he continued"and for your information I'm a pack leader, making me an alpha." and with that he transformed into a wolf all black exept for his eyes, which were sea-green , radiating power. He towered over them at, six feet in height and five feet in lenght.

The hunters backed away, but still had their arrows pointed at him. Lady Artemis was the only one who didn't back away, but the shock was clear on her face."So do you believe me now?" he asked mockingly. Some of the new hunters nodded, frightened looks on their faces. When Percy saw this he immediatly turned back into human form and apologized for scaring them even though they tried to deny it.

Lady Artemis asked" Who bit you werewolf?" What's with the disgusted tone?, Percy thought but didn't voice his questions. 

Werewolves were one of the wort types of monsters and the hunters lost some of their sisters to that breed, so they tighted their grips in their bows, waiting to realise the arrow at any moment.

"Why, the king of the werewolves, of course, Lycaon." he responded.

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