Chapter 8

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Zoe did something she had never imagined of doing, she hugged a boy, though this was Percy, the only man ever that she and her mistress had ever talked to without killing or fatally maiming him. Before she knew it a doggy pile was happening, all the hunters jumping on them, making the two lose their balance and fall to the ground. The lieutenant realised the position that she and Percy were, which was very close and she couldn't help blush.

Their foreheads were touching and the hunters were still above them so they couldn't move an inch. After a few minutes the hunters got off of them. The two stood up, slight blushes covering their faces. The hunters smiled or giggled at their reaction and Artemis just smirked, knowing that something was happening between the two.

That was the last time that they had seen each other in nearly eight years. The hunters were saddened by that thought, the only man that they had accepted had just vanished from the face of the earth. After the fourth year the hunters searched for him and his pack but to no extent. Zoe couldn't help but feel worried for him.

Right now they were in the White National Forest in New Hampshire, looking at the view of the forest, when they heard a howling, followed by a whole pack howling. The hunters immediately recognized the howling and ran at full sprint towards the noise. They didn't know what they expected, it has been eight years from when they first meet so his attitude could've changed or he stayed the same polite, humble and caring man, which the hunters, especially Zoe, wanted him to be.

When they arrived at the place where they had heard the pack, they were attacked by powerful jaws that belonged to a huge wolf, managing to pin down Zoe. When the wolf was about to bit her head of they heard a powerful man's voice telling him to stand down. From their right a boy, looking sixteen in age, six foot in height, eyes a mixture of sea-green and red, confidence in his stride and a muscular body, similar to those of the swimmers, and was, undeniably handsome, looking at them in ..... happiness. 

"What are you looking, boy?" Julia demanded, looking at him in disgust. The man in question put a hand over his heart in mock hurt. "I know that we haven't meet in along time but seriously, that's the welcome I get?" he asked, raising a brow. Now that the hunters look closer they could see the familiar facial features on the boy. After an agonizingly long time they recognized him as their only long lost male friend. Artemis was the first one to snap out of their shock and hugged the man fiercly, which caused an unfamiliar sensation rise in Zoe's chest but she decided to ignore it, happy to see her friend, and only friend, she reminded herself, though she wasn't sure why. 

Their mistress broke them out of the trance that they were in and, one by one, hugged the man that they respected. Zoe was the last one to hug him and he was pretty sure that she had broken some of his bones. "I missed you." Zoe said, burying her head in the crook of his neck, to show her happiness and mostly to hid her blush. "I missed you too, Nightshade." he responded, chuckling " All of you." he said, directing it to all of the hunters, which he smiled at. "What interests me is that we haven't seen each other in eight years but you look like you've only aged a year?" Lady Artemis said, looking at him curiously, tilting her head slightly to the side. Percy scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment. "Well you have noticed the stoppage of the werewolf attacks?" he asked the hunters, at which nodded their head in answer. "Yeah well that's because I commanded them not to." Percy said. The hunters couldn't understand how he could've commanded the whole werewolf population to stop attacking them. Percy, seeing their confusion told them something that made a few of them faint. "I'm the king of the werewolves." he said smiling.

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