Chapter 9

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It took the hunters and their mistress a few minutes to process this information before they bombarded him with questions and all of that loud noise made Percy's ears hurt since, being the king dialed his senses to a hundered which means he could hear the smallest sound in the forest, the greatest detail in the forest and could smell nearly eight thousand yards out (7 km).

Zoe seeing his disconfert shouted for her sisters to shut up. Percy sent her a look of gratitude and spoke "Well, seeing as your all curious why don't you set up your camp and I would tell you what happened?" he asked. Artemis nodded "Girls set up camp here, then we'll hear Percy's story." The girls set up the camp in record time, which made Percy chuckle at their curiosity.

Once the camp fire had been lit the hunters all gathered around it sitting on the ground or logs anticipating for the story of Percy. "Well it begun seven and a half years ago when I found a werewolves den. My pack and I fought and the ones that didn't want to be slaughtered swore on the Styx that they wouldn't harm an innocent again. One of the werewolves was a close adviser to Lycon and knew his whereabouts so he told us the location, he even swore on the river again to make sure that we belived him and, of course, we belived him when nothing disasterous happened. What we didn't anticipate was the trap the king of the werewolves had set. He knew that we were coming and told his adviser thoes exact words that he said to me, so technically he didn't lie. When we had arrived at his layer he ambushed us and had me and my pack tourtured for over five years, but we escaped, took a year for our wounds to fully recover and since the tourture instrument of mine was made out of pure silver, it took me longer than usual. We called all of the alpha's and their packs, that were more than pleased to help us. It took us one year and a half to kill Lycon though with all of his energy depleated he faded and since I was the one that delivered the final blow I inherated his powers, making me the king of the werewolves. I've been at this for six months and now here we are." he ended with a slight cheer to his voice.

The hunters looked at him in complete awe and going into a trance like state, making him very uncomfertable. After a few minutes of complete silence he snapped his fingers in front each of the hunters faces which turned red from embarrassment, though Artemis turned gold since she has ichor in her veins instead of blood. "Well then, what are you doing here?" Percy asked, tilting his head slightly to the side as a sign of curiousity.

Zoe found this action very cuite and wanted nothing more than to crush him in a bone crushing hug but restrained herself, barley. Zoe had accepted her feelings for the werewolf approximately 4 years ago and, surprizingly, her sisters had accepted her love towards the man and Artemis even said that she'll offer  partial immortality to him and let Zoe keep hers so that they could be together forever, which was a very sweet gesture from her mistress, though she didn't want to pressure Percy into doing something he doesn't want to do but apperentally he was already immortal so they would spend everyday with eachother. The only problem was that if he returned the feelings she has for him.

"Where's your pack?" Naomi asked him realzing that he wasn't with his pack, only that huge wolf that attacked them erlier, which the hunters forgot about. Percy flashed a full on smile, his pearly white teeth showing, His smile would make Apollo jelous, Artemis thought, laughing silently so none of the hunters and Percy would hear. Percy of course heard, whith his sences had turned up a notch or two, but ignored it not wanting to get on the godesses bad side. Instead he answered Naomi's queation. "Well since I have inhereted everything that Lycon had, that includes his riches and layer. So I turned his layer into a place were wolves and werewolves alike would stay there safe, either if they want peace, want to raise a family, or are too old everyone is welcome. So, yeah, that's were I left my pack of both wolves and werewolves." Zoe was falling harder for Percy than ever, if it was even possible.

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