Part 36

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🅵🅰🅺🅸🅽🅶 his cough as he shook his head while Estella tilted hers in wonder at Aries's sudden weirdness. "Quickly, it's lonely in here." Ignoring her comment, and forcing himself to shake off his lustful thoughts. He undresses his shirt, pants, buckles, knives, gloves, and eyepatch. Everything, placing the sword near the edge of the water, easy access for anything.

Aries dips himself without hesitation into the cold water, swimming slowly to Estella who is currently playfully playing with the water herself. He gently waited for her to finish then he inched his way.

Estella's body was a gift to his eyes. Her skin was soft, her hair silky. He wanted to touch her, kiss her cheek. He wanted to hold her up, pull her into his arms, his heart was racing, and he was falling too hard. She is still smiling at Aries as he swam to her. His eyes slowly seek out her body as he stands in the water close enough to touch her. He slowly reaches out his hand to Estella as he lovingly caresses her cheek.

"What are you doing?"

"I should ask you that. I brought you here to wash up but you're playing like a child." Aries smirks, pushing away his desire and thoughts and merely focusing on Estella's health. "I was having fun, you know what? I think I need to do this more often." He nodded his head; his mind wasn't thinking much of her words just focused on her lips and eyes.

Estella looks at Aries, "... You know, I can't swim well." His face hardened jokingly as he looked at her, "That's a problem." She quickly senses his playful dementor and rolls her eyes but giggles. She reaches her hands over to his neck so that her full trust is in him as they float in the water. "I just don't like water much. Never learn to." Estella whispered. He snakes his hand around her bare waist, slowly reaching to her lower back.

With her chest pressed to his, Aries took a big gulp and focus on cleaning around her wounds as she talked. "It feels good to be cleaned by someone," Estella said in a whisper as she watched Aries's back muscles move to his action. He cursed himself for shivering at how those words came near his ears. "Thank you, Aries." Estella's voice was affectionate as she put her full body weight on Aries.

His muscles tense at the weight of her body, he could feel every inch and skin of Estella on his. He could feel her warmth and the connection with her body. He was able to feel every bit of her. He could feel her pulse, he could feel the love swirling in her heart. He could feel her heartbeat. He could feel her breath. He couldn't stop himself from sinking his head into her.

It was absolute bliss.

"You're too quiet. Tell me something." Estella's voice was sweet and soft. Tcalmness had taken a toll on her body, almost making her sleepy. It was so hushed, that Aries almost missed it "I can't. I can only hear your heartbeat and damn it's going fast." He joked as he faced Estella. She smiled and played with the water, playfully letting the water slap him right on his face, "You are a strange man."

"I know. Is this what it feels like to be a crazy person?" Aries asked with a chuckle as he wiped the water from his eyes and face. Estella smiled as she watched him, she was so happy she could have screamed with joy if she had the strength. He took a deep breath and looked at her when she wasn't looking.

How was he so lucky? He barely knew her, especially after all the years they lost together as he became a distant forgotten memory to Estella. However, he was happy with the time he had with her.

"You shouldn't stay long in the water. Got to take your antidote before the poison affects you anymore," Aries said, his voice serious as he looked at her while she was still skimming the water. Estella nodded and smiled, "You are right. Can you help me out of the water?"

"Hold on." Aries took her hand and let out a small laugh at how Estella's hand gripped his. He then seized her wrist and pulled her hand out of the water, gently placing her on the rock in the shallow water. Aries took this a quick chance to skim through Estella's bare beauty before forcing his eyes elsewhere.

Walking to shore, he quickly dressed first, letting Estella play with the water with her feet while he did so. Dressed in black cargo pants, a white skin-tight t-shirt that shows off his build and muscle definition, and a black leather jacket.

Aries checked Estella quickly to see her fine before wearing his army boots and readjusting his weapons, swords, and knives. He fastens the belt to keep his weapons safe. He was ready to take care of Estella, but he needed to be ready to fight at the same time.

"Quick question. Do I dress you?" Aries asked as he took out the clothes Dennis got for Estella. She chuckles, "I think I should do it myself, but I would need some assistance." Aries agreed too for his own sake. Keeping his eyes low, he gave Estella some undergarments first so it was better for his hormones than seeing her naked.

Once Estella gave the signal it was fine to stare, Aries still felt himself turn out. Shaking his head harshly he helps her into her pants, which weren't as tight as Dennis made them. Aries took note of Estella's small waist, and how her lower body was perfect-shaped. He ran his hand up her back, stopping Estella from wearing her shirt. "You should take the antidote first."

Aries quickly rushed to the medicine. It was a needle with a weirdly purple liquid, they both stared at it unsure about its safety, "A-Are we sure that's an antidote?" Estella didn't hide her nervousness at the medicine. Aries shrugged his shoulder to her, "I don't know. But it's better than nothing."

"Right." Estella agreed. Aries took the needle and faced her back, stationing the needle near the wound, "Are you ready? Do you want me to count?" she nodded, "Please count." Aries counted to three raised his left hand into the air, and then quickly injected the medicine into her back. The shriek and cry from Estella filled the forest, cursing at him.

Aries couldn't help but laugh as he heard Estella's scream, he was happy she felt better while she nagged him. "Dude! Haven't heard about being gentle?!" Estella frowns as he repeatedly bangs her hand on his chest. Aries chuckled at Estella's expression, "Oh, hush, I don't exactly have a medical degree to know how to jab a needle."

"God, Aries. I hate you." Estella glares at him before wearing her black t-shirt.

" Estella glares at him before wearing her black t-shirt

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