ғɪᴠᴇ !

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꒰  ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ғɪᴠᴇ !  ꒱┊͙✧˖*°࿐

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꒰  ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ғɪᴠᴇ !  ꒱


𝔟𝔶 '𝔰𝔬𝔪𝔢𝔴𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔢',, rodrick meant the top of a walmart. in all honesty,, chrysanthemum really had no idea how the hell he convinced her to climb the rusted,, creaky latter that lead up to the roof. it was probably that cute ass smile.
she was right. it was the smile.

"come on!" they called,, reaching their hand up to the shaking girl who too scared to let go of the latter. "you've gotta grab my hand— i'll pull you up!"

"what if this was your master plan to murder me then get away with it?" she shot back,, accidentally glancing downwards. "oh shitshitshitshit. you're lucky you're cute. i would've been back in the car by now if it was anyone else."

"yeah,, yeah,, you're cute too. now hurry up!" rodrick sighed and ran a hand through their hair. "what kind of murder buys their victim milkshakes?!"

oh,, well i guess he's right,, chrysanthemum thought. and even if they are gonna murder me,, i'd rather be killed by a hot person. win win i guess.

chrysanthemum slowly extended her arm,, eyes sealed shut in fear that she would lose her grip and tumble downwards. "rodrick,, please! come on! i'm gonna fall!"

the teen pulled on her arm,, trying his best not to hurt her,, lugging the girl up onto the concrete. "hey,, i've got you. you're ok,, see?" they said,, looking at the girl who had fallen into his arms. "you're very much alive."

i won't be for much longer if you keep smiling like that,, she thought. "yeah,, i'm ok. i'm fine." chrysanthemum let out a shaky breath. "thank you,," she whispered,, hugging them tighter. his flannel is so soft,, what the hell?:! can i just stay like this all night?

"aww,, does the princess not like heights?" the teen teased,, looking at the girl with a smirk. "ironic,, isn't it? don't most princesses end up in castles? what will you do— live in the moat?"

chrysanthemum deadpanned. "i will shove you off the side of this building."

rodrick took her hand and led the girl to the middle of the roof. quick,, distract her before she actually does!! "nah,, you'd miss me too much." they said,, trying to hide the nervousness in their voice. "now lay down with me,, ok? i wanna show you something."

"you're right,, i guess i would. who else would take me to their concerts?" chrysanthemum let out a breathy laugh as she laid down next to the brunet.

rodrick,, who was obviously not satisfied with the distance between the two,, wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer. close enough that if both teenagers moved their head at the same moment,, their lips would touch. close enough that rodrick could see the pale moon reflecting in her dark brown eyes. close enough that chrysanthemum could trace her finger over his faint freckles.

clearing his throat,, rodrick pointed upwards. "um,, this is what i wanted to show you."

when chrysanthemum looked to where the teen pointed,, she was stunned. the sky was a beautiful watercolor mix of purples,, hot pink,, yellow,, and navy blue. stars popped up between the late night clouds like fresh daisies. it was truly a beautiful sight. and to top it off,, venus was visible directly above the duo. was it a sign from aphrodite? probably not. was chrysanthemum gonna take it as such? absolutely.

the girl moved closer,, laying her head on rodrick's chest. it was amusing to hear how quickly his heart sped up by a little movement,, but chrysanthemum quickly realized hers must have been just as bad. "this is . . . gorgeous,," she sighed.

rodrick slowly raised his hand and began to run it through her hair. "yeah,, it is. i'm glad you like it,, pretty girl."


ℭ𝔥𝔯𝔶𝔰𝔞𝔫𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔪𝔲𝔪 had high standards. or at least she liked to think so. and rodrick heffley met all of them,, which was mildly terrifying.

so when the two of them accidentally fell asleep together on the top of a walmart,, it didn't bother her in the slightest. actually,, it was the best she had slept since she had come to america. waking up to rodrick's arms locked around her waist with her face dug into their chest felt like heaven. he smells like heaven too,, i'm gonna have to steal his cologne sooner or later!

rodrick heffley was a master at pretending to be asleep. it had saved him from multiple family gatherings,, church sundays,, and early morning classes. so when chrysanthemum lifted her head to look at him through hooded eyes,, he could had to fight back the urge to sit up and kiss her. she didn't,, however. leaning down,, chrysanthemum left a ghost of a peck against his cheek.

"thank you,," she whispered. "for making me feel at home again."


this was so short but i'm
alive i promise i need to update
this more please someone remind me

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