Part 37

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🅰🆁🅸🅴🆂 and Estella are camping on the tree, not really camping as they merely rest on a sturdy branch while keeping their guard up for other tributes. Estella's poisonous wound has completely healed, causing her to be back into an independent girl, not needing his help in a simple task like undressing.

Aries is in a good mood as he shows off his knife skill to Estella by hastily jamming the pocket knife between his fingers while Estella raises an eyebrow at it, crossing her fingers that he would lose a finger. Playfully, of course.

He lightly laughed as he showed her how much force he had, his mischievousness caused the knife to fall out of his hand and land on the ground, 25 feet below them. Estella gave a smile, trying not to laugh at his tactic as she lay on the tree's branch.

Allowing the breeze to hit her not-clothed parts, "You're great at it." Estella praises him yet with a sarcastic tone to it, but also to not disappoint him at the loss of his knife. Aries sat next to her, leaning on a branch, and closed his eyes as he listened to her talk about everything, just be, as he listened to only her voice.

"Aries, I don't know how you do it." Estella's voice was thoughtful as she patted the air next to her. The breeze blew through her hair, making her hair fanned around her face. Aries opened his eyes and looked at her, "What are you talking about?"

Estella gave a small smile, "You always look so... So strong, so secure. Knows what you have to do, and always have your own way out of things. I've never met a guy like you." Aries's eyes got big, "You...I don't know if that's a compliment but I'll take it as so. So I'm going to say thank you." She giggles, plucking a few leaves from the trees, not without saying 'sorry' as she folds them into something to pass the time.

Aries went back to resting his eyes while listening to the sweet hums of his partner. Time passed slowly as fatigue kicked in Aries's body, he was torn between Estella's softness and his watchfulness. She was safe in his watchful arms, slowly losing her guard as she played with the leaves. Aries knows that she is in her state of safety, and he secured that fact.

The safety tension didn't last long when a sudden announcement filled the arena. "Attention all Tributes!" Estella sat up, focusing her attention on the speaker while Aries intensely scowled into the far-off, his finger lingering on his sword, ready to attack. Both know it's been a while since drama sprue and the game makers are going to create one.

"You've all been invited to a feast! Come to the Cornucopia at sundown; waiting there will be items each of you needs desperately, in backpacks with your District numbers on them. Good Luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor."

The transmission ended solely like that. Aries and Estella shared eyes, both of them knew it was a trap. The only problem is this time it's a trap with goods. Estella moved first and started to get down from the tree branch, hand cupped around her belly. Aries right after here, landing easily on his two feet, and picked up his fallen knife while at it.

The two of them walk to the Cornucopia as the sun begins to set down, hiding in the bushes, having a silent agreement to peek first and not hastily put their action out first. Estella hid her breath when she walked into the Cornucopia, seeing special food and needed items.

"Got a plan?" Aries question, between the both of them. Estella is more strategic and thinks things through, unlike him. Aries likes to be more action-oriented and goes with that mentality. Estella says nothing, instead, she takes a few steps back, making him stand in front of her as she silently stands there.

Aries could see Estella's eyes were focused on items as if finding a flaw that would cost their life. Seeing none, she let out a sigh. "All yours." His wicked scary smirk appears, and Estella rolls her eyes knowing he's going to have his fun. She basically gave him the green light to go crazy and merely bring back the backpack containing the food.

"You have your fun. I'm staying here." Estella said, not looking back as she walked away and waved at Aries who shook his head, the smirk still not moving.

Estella sometimes wondered why Aries could turn into a vicious killing machine with his blood lust when most of the time he's patient and kind to her. Pushing the thought away, she climbs the nearest tree, seeing Aries walk into the Cornucopia, as the sun was still above the horizon. "Good luck," her whisper doesn't reach Aries' ears but the wish felt right.

Aries walks up, barely open to anyone to attack him as he doesn't hold any guard up. Playfully swinging his swords he whistles his way. Estella couldn't help but chuckle, he looked like a villain in his base. Especially with the scar across his eyes and laid-back attitude in a war zone.

He whistled to himself as he entered the Cornucopia, stopping at a sign of a starter's pistol fire. And before him with quick feet, Foxface emerges from inside the Cornucopia itself. Freezing when she made eye contact along with being face-to-face with Aries. Foxface is wary, but she knew he wasn't going to be easy to hunt down.

It's clear as a day that Aries is ready to kill, it's like he was holding the urge for blood all the time. Getting ready in a stance to attack, Foxface too. She was more ready to flee.

Aries completely halts at a familiar whistle. Both moved their eyes up to see Estella on a tree, Foxface took this chance to flee with her quick feet. Aries snaps her head between Foxface's fleeing state and the playful Estella who had purposely distracted the man.

"I'll get you back!" Aries yelled out, pointing an accusing finger playfully at her who giggled from her spot, the words were also aimed at Foxface who had shivered in her run. Of course, Aries could chase after her and get an easy kill, but he didn't want to be out of Estella's sight.

 Of course, Aries could chase after her and get an easy kill, but he didn't want to be out of Estella's sight

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