Part 38

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"🅸 know. Shocking right? An 18-year-old getting easily distracted by a girl who looks like she can barely kill a fly. I sometimes wonder how I ended up in this situation, sometimes," Aries complained to no one in particular, he had a habit of rambling to himself sometimes. Perks of being alone most of your life.

Estella was still at the tree, looking down at the action that was currently going on. She rolled her eyes at his rambling, due to his raving that he wasn't able to catch Foxface.  All this and Aries was still rambling to notice. A weakness of his, worth taking notes. Aries wanted to have fun, and currently, nothing was happening. Estella is probably going to come down sooner or later, he knows that and will wait for her.

In the meantime, Estella grins into the forest as he catches sight of something interesting. She let him be, as she merely kept an eye on the obvious camera in front of her. Knowing that the people of Panem are currently watching her stare into their souls.

"Katniss Everdeen. Aren't you going to come out?" Aries gave a small whistle as if pretending is something to do. "Come on out, we know you are there! Hurry up, we haven't got all night!" He whistled to get some attention as he showed the camera that he knew was in front of him. Estella finally moves her attention back to Aries, spotting Katniss too.

The girl looks like she's facing her worst nightmare as Aries continues to taunt her. Estella sighed, jumped down from the tree branch, and walked towards Aries, with a smile of her own, "So this is what your fun is, running around and taunting people?" Giving his attention to Estella, he chuckled, his eyes glimmering in playfulness.

He took another look at Katniss just to place some kind of fear on the 'Girl on Fire.' He certainly knew her well. Aries was able to read Katniss like an open book, even if they didn't know each other. 

"Okay, Peeta. Here we go..." The pair moved their awareness away from each other. They heard Katniss whisper to Peeta her district partner before she bolts, head up. Running with all her might, avoiding Estella and Aries who simply stared at her, acting as if she had grown a second head.

Aries whistled at Katniss, receiving her attention as her eyes followed the sound of his whistling. Although, overpowering herself to focus, unlike the unbothered two. If only Katniss had paid more attention to Aries's whistle as it was a warning.

A knife, hurled by the one and only Clove. Katniss gets a hand up, deflects the knife with her bow, turns, and fires an arrow. It hits Clove in the arm, you can hear to sound of Aries' ohs' at Katniss's great aim as she gets to the table. Clove grunts as she runs off, trying to shake off the pain of the knife. She took notice of Estella and Aries who simply gave her a smile as a formal greeting.

Glaring at them, but they weren't her aim now. Knowing Aries is too strong for her and Estella is invisible, especially with Aries around. Clover took another knife and threw it with all her might as it came too quickly to evade, whizzing through the air, and gashing Katniss's forehead.

"Damn, girl fight! I find them extremely sexy," Aries spoke while teasingly wiggling his eyebrow at Estella's disgusted look. "You going to join? I would root for you, plus it's a turn-on." This time Estella smacks the back of Aries's head and whines like a child. She thought it was cute. She shook her head as she didn't want to be a part of this fight with Clover and Katniss. Instead, she signals behind her at a sound of familiar steps and presence that will save the day.

Aries watches as Katniss staggers and drops to a knee. Clove is running right in front of Aries and Estella, now with an arm bleeding, eyes lethal. A knife on each other, ready to be the reason for Katniss's death. Katniss tries to draw back an arrow, but there's no time. She's a goner.

Katniss gave the pair of District 5 a pleading look for help, not ready to end her life. Aries's mouth twitched, and his eyes were filled with merriment, showing that there was no way he was going to help. Estella on the other hand is innocently and fondly smiling somewhere else. Katniss lets out a growl as she grows a single tear roll down her cheek.

"What are you waiting for? Kill her!" Katniss growls.

Then, shockingly, Clove is knocked sideways, onto her back. Her eyes gradually lost their color. She was hit by a rock the size of a volleyball and hurled from the darkness. Clove quivers on the ground, disoriented, bloody.

Katniss is almost as confused as Clove is. 'Who threw that?', she wonders. She looks at Aries first, but the male merely ethnicities both his hands up and shrugs his shoulder. Katniss grits her teeth, hating his playfulness while she is close to dying, and Clover's death right under his nose.

Estella was next, the girl didn't even acknowledge Katniss instead she greeted the newcomer. "How have you been, Thresh?" Katniss snaps her head, noticing Thresh's presence now as he emerges to reclaim the rock he just threw. Thresh's rough chuckle, shook his head as he expected nothing less from District 5's tribute.

Thresh stands over Clove, his demeanor changing to a seriously scary one, lifts it into the air, and brings it down on Clove's skull. Katniss watches awed. The sound of a cannon blast signals the death of Clover of District 2.

"If I was totally gay. That was a total turn-on." Aries spoke out loud, not bothering to filter his words about Thresh's bloody way of killing Clover. Katniss has her eyes on Thresh now, who is still holding the rock in hand. Now Thresh comes at Katniss and stands over her. He seems huge from her perspective, his eyes dull. And she's dazed, helpless: "Do it fast. Okay, Thresh?"

Aries boos and Katniss give him a dirty look that he ignores. "That of a turn-off. Who the hell gives up that fucking easily?!" Estella rolls her eyes, although she has to agree with how easily Katniss is willing to give up her life. Instead, Estella simply looks at her. Both Aries and Estella stood beside each other, like the audience of an opera as they watched Thresh bring down the rock carefully beside Katniss's head, his eyes glowing darkly.

Seconds after seconds, Thresh shocks Katniss by calmly placing something into her palm: the Mockingjay pin she'd buried with Rue. Katniss gasps. "Estella told me everything. This makes us even. Understand?" Katniss nods, speechless. Her eyes wander from Estella and Thresh. She wasn't expecting this kind of friendship, nor was she expecting the mercy that Thresh was offering.

There's no time to think as Katniss nods, giving her hand to stand up. Thresh stood beside Estella as he did the same smile to hers. Nodding his head at Aries who simply waved his hand, bored at how quickly everything ended.

Thresh lingers his eyes on Katniss, "I'll see you soon"

Thresh lingers his eyes on Katniss, "I'll see you soon"

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