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"You must have impressed them; I mean, they want me to bring you here. " Mark said happily.

"Am I able to wear my comfy clothes?" Aecha asked.

"Cha, you are about to join the mafia world for real, and you worry about being able to wear a sweatshirt and leggings?" Mark asked.

"Yep. But Mark, we all knew I'd end up here after Changhyun." Aecha said.

"I know. What happened to him wasn't anyone's fault. Of course, I miss your brother but remember, Cha,  you can't be stuck in the past here." Mark warned.

"I know,  Mark, I know. If only-" 

"If only nothing. Nothing would have stopped it from happening. He's gone, and we have to live with it. I'll be there to pick you up in five. Be ready." He said, clearly angry.  Aecha nodded, even though the boy could not see it. 

"See you." She said before hanging up the phone. She swallowed the lump in her throat, thinking of her late elder brother. Her hand grasped around the small pendant necklace.

"I will get your justice, Changhyun. No matter what it takes."  Aecha vowed out loud, although she was alone in the house. She heard Mark knock on the door.

"Come in, I'm almost ready." She said before hearing the door open.

"Come on, Hung wants us back in ten minutes," Mark said, rushing the girl to grab her phone and other small yet essential belongings. The two finally left the house, Aecha locking the door before joining him in his car.

"Sorry for how I spoke earlier. I shouldn't have acted like that." Mark apologized.

"It's fine. You're right. I need to move on. It's just really hard, you know? Go to school and come with your brother just for him to be murdered five minutes later in front of your eyes? It makes me regret asking him to walk with me. He could have still been alive." Aecha said, tears beginning to pool in her eyes.

"Aecha, it's not your fault. I promise. Now, dry those tears. Time to join the mafia." Mark said with a smile, helping raise Aecha's mood slightly. She followed Mark into the big building. She looked around in awe. She didn't notice it at first, but they had arrived at Taeyong's office.

"I see you guys made it. Aecha, it's evident that you are very observant." Taeyong said.

"Yeah, so observant. Speaking of observant, can you please fix your tie? It's crooked. It's killing me." She interrupted. Taeyong let out a small laugh before fixing his tie. She heard several voices outside the door.

"Did she just interrupt him and not get yelled at?" One said.

"Just go about your day, please? This doesn't involve you." She said to the boy. He locked eyes with her before running off, laughing with his friend.

"Yep, she'd be a perfect addition, but we need to see what else you can do. We already know how good you are for thievery. We will start with combat. Follow me." Taeyong said, walking out of the office. He led the two down to an elevator that took them to an underground training area. She recognized Johnny almost immediately.

"Look, it's poor disguise, guy!" Aecha said to Mark's confusion.

"Oh look, it's the fake twenty-two-year-old who can drink a hella lot. How the hell do you not have a hangover?" Johnny asked.

"You know what, I'm not gonna ask," Mark said. Taeyong began to speak again.

"Aecha, you're going to go against Johnny in the ring. No need to knock him out; just get him down. Without him getting you first." Taeyong said. Aecha was eager and decided to be funny, and she was behind Johnny since he was checking something. She walked up behind him; he didn't hear her soft footsteps. He kicked the back of his knee, making him land o  the ground from the force.

"I did it." She said, an emotionless expression on her face.  She looked back at Johnny with a smirk.

"I thought rule one was never to turn your back on your opponent?" She said. Johnny looked at her with a humored yet annoyed look. Taeyong stood there with Mark, who hadn't stopped laughing. Taeyong only sported a humorous look. 

"Okay, I have to give you credit on that one," Taeyong said as Mark finally got quiet again. Finally, Aecha and Johnny entered the ring and went after each other. Mark knew the girl was good, but he didn't realize she was that good. She had Johnny down in a minute flat.

"Next?" She asked with a smile. 

"Mark, get ready. You get to test her skills next," Taeyong said. 

"Come to one, Mork, let's do this. I'm getting bored already!" Aecha said teasingly. Taeyong laughed at Mark, seeing his anxiousness about the girl seeing what he does.

"Mark, come on. Or I'll make this practice personal. I know you're an assassin. Let's do this." The girl said, staring him straight in the eye. 

"Alright," Mark said before directing the girl to the shooting range.

"I know that you know how to shoot. But how good is your aim? I'm sure you've improved over the past few years." Mark said.

"Well, it's easier with the target resembling a certain thing."

"Okay, I'll go first," Mark said before shooting the target on the other side of the room. The targets looked like foam people; it made it feel more realistic. It helped the girl let out her hatred as well. She lined up the gun for the bullet to go piercing right through the 'forehead' of the dummy.

"If only I could do that to a certain person," Aecha muttered.

"Aecha, what did I tell you about putting that behind you." 

"I hit the target." 

"Try the shoulder." Taeyong pressed. The girl did as asked. He asked her to shoot in several other places, such as the legs, arms, etc. Eventually, she was getting bored of his pressing. She looked at Taeyong, her gun still aimed at the dummy. With an innocent smile, she reshot every place, going right through the same hole she had previously drilled through.

"She's nearly as good as Jisung," Taeyong commented.

"She's not like Jisung, though. "  Mark muttered. While Taeyong and Mark kept talking about what to do next, she felt as if someone was walking up to her. At the perfect moment, her hand went back, hitting Johnny in the chest harshly.

"Okay, damn, Mark, your cousin is good," Johnny commented.

"Let's not start a fan club, please. " Aecha said. Mark laughed briefly before Taeyong told her about the next thing. It took a while, but she finally went through everything Taeyong could think of, except for one thing.

"I'm curious. Mark, call Jisung." Mark complied even though he didn't want to.  Jisung arrived a little after. 

"Hyung? You called for me?" Jisung asked as he walked into the office, stopping when he saw the girl standing in the room.

"Who's she?" He asked coldly.

"Jisung, I want you to meet our first female member. And our first female ace." Taeyong said.

"What?" Jisung asked, unsure if he was hearing correctly. The girl looked way too childish to be an ace like him.

"She is going to be staying with Dream," Taeyong announced.

"You probably wanted to stay with her, Mark, but she's seventeen. She belongs with Dream." Taeyong said, seeing Mark's sad expression. 

Where should this go?
Edit: I think I like where it went

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