Chapter Six

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(Y/n) stood there with Wilbur. "Thank you.." She said with a slight voice crack.

"No problem.." Wilbur whispered, rubbing her back. He wants to do his best to comfort his sister and he's doing the best he could.

"You know.. You don't have to attend the coronation.. I know how you probably feel about it." Wilbur muttered.

"I think I'll attend.. I mean, why wouldn't I? It's gonna be a big day for my brother.." (Y/n) smiled, glancing up at Wilbur. "But thank you for the offer."

"You need to eat breakfast though. You barely touched your food." Wilbur sighed. She just nodded and started walking to the dinner hall.

When she came back, unsurprisingly, Tommy was leaning over her plate, slowly gobbling up her suppose to be breakfast.

" Tommy.. Why did you eat her food?" Wilbur scolded, facepalming while walking over to him. (Y/n) can't help but let out a laugh.

"She didn't eat it though! Therefore I can eat it!" Tommy explained with a pout.

"Tommy, did you just pout?" (Y/n) pointed out in a teasing manner.

"I did not!! I definitely did not! It was a frown! And a manly one at that! " Tommy argued.

"Sure sure. What ever helps you sleep at night." (Y/n) teased making Tommy let out a huff.

Servants came back with a new plate of food for (Y/n) and she happily gobbled it down. What Wilbur did really help lighten everything down.

"Wilbur. Let's go, we need to plan out your coronation." Technoblade called out. Wilbur glanced at his sister and followed along.

"Wilbur's gonna be a king now! That's so cool.!" Tommy exclaimed, standing up on top of his chair.

"Tommy get down from there!" His sister scolded.

"No. I don't think I want to do that!" Tommy said and creating more random sounds.

'Noisy... Blood...'

The voices are back. (Y/n) wanted to cover her ears but she knew that if she did, Tommy would be so upset, assuming that she's covering her ears because of him.

She tried distracting herself by looking around but it just got worse... There was a knife, just inches away from her hand..

Her eyes widen as she stared at it in true horror.

'Let us.. The knife. Blood..'

"Shut up..." She whispered, making sure Tommy doesn't hear. She steadied her breath and stood up.

"Let's go, Tommy.."

(A year later)

In the Coronation hall, (Y/n) and Tommy stood by the side, watching their brother walk up to the middle.

A man with white cloak handed him the scepter and orb, then he held it, facing the crowd.

Wilbur recites the oath, letter by letter, word per word, missing no stops and breaths.

It was the day Wilbur had officially been crowned King..

On his head, sat the crown his father used to wear, in front of the same people his father once ruled.

He glanced at his siblings and saw them smile at him as soon as he turns to look at them. He returned this gesture of course.

It's short,, I know :< but hey, at least I updated TwT

Hope you like it, sorry for any mistakes and errors and my grammar..

Lemme know what you think about it ^^

Also thanks for Netheriea for suggesting a scene.. Specifically the kitchen scene whereas (Y/n) almost stabbed Tommy to death :)) i might reuse that idea cuz why not :>



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