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"Mr. Blade can you hurry up?" (Y/n) said, impatiently waiting for Technoblade to finish getting ready.

"It seems like you've forgotten the 3rd rule." Technoblade sheepishly said, looking at (Y/n) through the mirror.

"I didn't." She huffed, looking away from her mentor. Technoblade gave her an unimpressed look. "Recite the 3rd rule." He ordered while fixing his cape.

(Y/n) sighed before speaking, "Be Patient... Look Mr. Blade, I memorized all rules you have told me. So of course I still remember it—"

"Memorizing and remembering is different from applying it. You don't just plant that seed here," He trailed off while pointing at his head, specifically his brain.

"You also plant it here." He continued, pointing at his heart. (Y/n) stared at him, her head full of his wisdom.

She just sat still, patiently waiting for Technoblade to finish.

"I'm done. Let's go." Technoblade walked towards the door. He didn't bother waiting for (Y/n) since he knew she'll follow him anyway.

(Y/n) flapped her wings and flew to the sky, with Technoblade riding his horse on the ground beneath her.

After around an hour of travel, they finally arrived at their destination.

(Y/n) landed beside Technoblade before glancing up. Standing in front of her was the ruins of the kingdom she once called home.

She walked through the gates of the kingdom with Technoblade trailing behind her. The village that was once filled with joyful villagers are now abandoned, almost forgotten.

(Y/n) sighed inwardly before continuing her walk to the castle, Technoblade still behind her.

When she was finally inside, she immediately went to the garden, spotting the very familiar tree.

There, underneath the wilting Willow Tree, stood the tombstones of her brothers that died hundreds of years ago.

(Y/n) sighed once more before kneeling down in front of her brothers. "I miss you both.. You guys are unfair though.. You left too early and now I'm stuck with Mr. Blade.." She pouted but tears were clearly streaming down her face.

"Sorry I didn't visit you both at all.. I just couldn't accept the fact that you're gone."

She took a deep breath in while wiping her tears. "The voices had stopped now.. That's great isn't it? And, did you guys know that Father is also an immortal? I'm currently trying to find him.. So far, I still have no progress."

(Y/n) started picking on her nails, trying to stop tears from falling down. "I'll make sure to have him visit once I find him." Technoblade patted her back, and that made her look at him. The softness present in his eyes made her breakdown.

"Techno, I miss them.." Her voice was muffled as a result of her face being buried in Technoblade's chest.

"I know.." Was the only thing that came out his mouth. He isn't really one that can deal with crying people. But his company was welcomed by (Y/n).

After minutes of crying, (Y/n)'s last tear had finally fallen. They both got up and (Y/n) bowed down her brothers' tombstone.

(Y/n) didn't have the energy to fly so she just sat behind Technoblade on his horse as they both silently rode home...

A pretty short Epilogue but yeah ahaha

Hope u liked it ^^ I'll work on editing this book probably on Saturday or something(once I'm not lazy anymore.)

Also thank you for 1k, it really means a lot to me. Although it may not seem that much, it is to me and I appreciate it very much.

Love you all! —W.

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