Chapter Twelve

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(Y/n) sat silently on her bed. Wilbur left hours ago to continue his paperworks.

She stared at her walls as a smile slowly crept up her lips. "It feels nice to let it all out.." She spread her wings out, caressing them.

"I'm still not used to this.." She averted her gaze from her wings back to the walls again.

"I need to tell Tommy.." (Y/n) let out a soft sigh before wrapping her cloak around her again, not wanting to reveal it to Tommy in one go.

She walked out and went straight to Tommy's room, hoping to find him there. She knocked 3 times before hearing a muffled 'come in'.

"Hey Tommy.. Do you have time? I need to talk to you.." She asked. Tommy nodded and motioned her to sit beside him.

"What do you want to talk about?" He asked, head slightly tilted to the side.

"Ok.. So uh.. I can.. Uhm. Hear voices.." (Y/n) mumbled but loud enough for Tommy to hear.

"What?—" Tommy looked shock by the sudden news. "You and Wil... Can hear voices?"

"Yes.. I wanted to tell you sooner but.. The voices told me not to.. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have kept it a secret." (Y/n) looked down as she apologized.

"It's ok, (Y/n)! There's nothing wrong with hiding a few secrets here and there. Is that all?" Tommy tilted his head to the sides, asking his sister.

"Uh.. Yes, actually.. I have this um.." She stutters for a moment before deciding to just remove the cloak.

Tommy stared at her, shocked once again. After a few seconds of him just staring at his sister's obsidian wings, his eyes sparkle in awe.

"That's so cool! You can travel anywhere you want and you don't even need to walk!" Tommy beamed which caught (Y/n) off guard. She wasn't expecting such enthusiastic response.

"Can I touch it?" Tommy asked, eyes still beaming. (Y/n) stared at her brother softly before nodding.

"Woah.. It's so soft." He mumbled while gently caressing his sister's wings. "Does it like, feel heavy?" Tommy asked, curiously while still caressing (Y/n)'s wings.

"They do, but they're not that bothersome. It's actually pretty nice since I have a blanket for the cold nights." (Y/n) smiled at Tommy.

"Well now I know where to go if I get cold." Tommy joked. "You're always welcome to crash in." (Y/n) said, followed by a laugh.

Dinner time rolled in and everyone was already in the dining room except Wilbur. "Mr. Blade, where's Wilbur?" (Y/n) asked, staring at the door, waiting for Wilbur to bust in.

"He's still finishing palace works. He'll be down in a moment surely." Technoblade assured.

"He's been cramped up in his workroom ever since this morning. Did he even eat lunch?" She looked down her plate of food, a look of worry painting her face.

"I don't really know but surely the servants brought him food so he should be alright." Technoblade assured once more. Feeling bad that he needed to lie about such thing.

"Techno. I'm 21 years old, you can't just spew out lies and expect me to believe them." (Y/n) said before standing up and getting a new plate of food to bring her brother.

When she was by her brother's door, she knocked on it slightly, waiting for a signal for her to come in.

When she heard Wilbur's muffled voice, she balanced the meal on one hand while she opened the door with the other.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing here?" Wilbur asked confused. "You haven't eaten anything other than the breakfast you had." (Y/n) placed the plate of food on Wilbur's table after removing a few papers out of the way.

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