•Chapter 10 - Snowball Fight•

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Hey guys!

So before you read I should tell you guys a challenge I have for you!

So I won't update this story for 2 weeks unless ABOTRCTIL reaches 1,000 votes and this chapter reaches 40 votes. All you have to do is go back to ABOTRCTIL chapters and vote for them. Please guys I'm so close! My goal is 1,000 votes before Harry's birthday!

Also more big news!

After I finish the One Direction series (If you haven't checked it out you should!) I'm going to start a personal story!


The Book cover is in the external link!

Would you guys read it?

Also the picture on the side is a quote from Willam from this chapter :)


•Chapter 10 - Snowball Fight•


•Tori POV•

"Ok warriors, you may die today. But it doesn't matter as long as we win!"

Uncle Harry raises his hand. "That's a little... harsh don't-"


He recoils in fear behind little Layla. Mason salutes me as well as Sam. I glare at them.

"Here's the plan! You, Mason, will attack their base at full speed with Sam right behind you! If you knock out their front lines, then Sam can climb up their fort while they are distracted by me."

They all raise an eyebrow at me. "How will you distract them?" Mason asks looking at me with fear in his eyes.

"You'll find out!" I reply evilly.


"Ready! 1! 3! 7! Q! GO!"


Everyone looks in surprise to see Layla was the one yelling threats.

I look around the back yard to see Will's team behind the forts acting like cowards.

Then I set the plan in action.

I jump from behind the fort without Will's team noticing. I smirk at my Dad who stands on the side watching me carefully. I crouch down and pick up some snow quietly and make a snow ball. I stand up and smirk as I wind up my arm getting ready to launch.


Will's head snaps over to look at me as a snow ball hits his face. I laugh thinking about how my timing was perfect in launching the snow ball in his face. He glares at me before charging full speed toward me.

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