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A year has passed since the massacre ,the first year without family. There would be no more mornings where y/n would wake up to the smell of her mother's delicious cooking, no more Goodnight kisses and hugs. For now on she could only rely on was herself and nature.

She was alone in this world with no one to look after her. Maybe in spirit but what use is that when it comes to something physical? She barely knew how to defend herself so just how was she supposed to survive without strength. Supposedly she could train but how? The only thing she knew was to throw a kunai and she barely excelled in that.

Sighing to herself she sneezed as her weak body was still getting accustomed to her new surroundings. She was no longer near her protected village ,she didn't know where she was. All she knew was that it was full of tall grasses. Grasses which irritated her to no end. Having barely been out of her small village it took a toll on her weak immune system.

"Ah achoo!" She sneezed.
"I hate allergies."

She wandered aimlessly around the land searching for nothing in particular.

'What shall I do now?' She thought to herself.

The world had open arms ready for her to explore every inch of it.

As y/n continued traveling she came across many different sceneries however not one person was in sight. It made her worry and think if there were any other humans on earth. Having been disclosed from society her whole life she barely had made any human contact. It made it difficult to comprehend how to live.

For instance she often questioned her self what to do with her life. Of course a four year old shouldn't have to think of such things they have their whole life ahead of them. But this is no ordinary four year old.

"I don't understand what should I do?"
Flashback end

"Aye wake up." Feeling a shift in movement y/n's eyes twitched before fluttering open.

She was met with a pounding headache as she waked up.
"Ngh." Clutching her head she gasped and hunched forward.

"Aye don't throw up in here ,brat."

'Who is that?' Her eyes snapped open. She kept her eyes on her lap refusing to meet the persons gaze.
'Whats happening? Was it all just a dream? I don't understand what's going on.'

"Hey brat.. come follow me." The sound of the person's voice moved away as the sound of the door creaked open.

Y/n looked up only catching a the tip of a metal tail.
Hesitating y/n moved off from the bed. She looked at her surroundings. The room was windowless, plain and dark ,a couple puppets were scattered across the room giving it creepy vibes.

"Brat get moving!" The person's voice echoed from down the hall.

Gritting her teeth y/n made a run for it and dashed out the room running in the opposite direction. She wanted to get as far away as possible. She wanted to go home. She wanted her friends ,she wanted her family. However, once you truly lose something you can never get it back.

'I just want to go home!' Y/n huffed as she ran through the halls. Everything was a blur and she couldn't remember why she was here but she knew it wasn't good. Coming to another dead end y/n sighed and ran in another direction.

'How big is this place? I haven't came across an entrance y-' A hard broad chest acting as wall stopped y/n from moving any further.

'What the?'

"Aye who's the kid?" Said a new voice.

Looking up y/n's eyes were met with two new faces.

Looking up y/n's eyes were met with two new faces

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