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After Garrette answered me as boyfriend we got along really well. Even though we were fighting, I fixed it right away so that it wouldn't grow further. I also became even busier with the company after that night, but I never forgot to remind her every day. I stick sticky notes to let her know she won't forget to eat.

Minahal kita dahil sa ugali mo, dahil napapasaya mo ako. Minahal kita kasi ikaw 'yung gusto ko. I don't know about face. I'll accept you 'cause I love you, my moonter! I love everything about you even your bad or good side. I love you at my worst.

I think every day that I want to be with her for the rest of my life no one else, she really is.

But all my thoughts vanished when I felt like I was losing time with her. Everything I promised to date her ended up being sorry. I no longer knew what to think, I was so tired I no longer knew what to do!

Can I still do it?

I have so much to think about or eat that I can no longer do. Even if I sleep for a long time but who will take care of it all if I don't move?

"Hindi ka ba napapagod sa ka so-sorry mo? Sorry na naman, palagi nalang 'bang sorry?" she asked me while holding back her tears.

"Hey, what happened love. Are you okay, love?"

I know she's going to do it right away but I don't want us to end like this.

"Ayon, 'yan 'yung gustong-gusto ko ng marinig!" tumulo na ang kanyang luha.

"I always ask you if you're okay, right? Love please," I approached her but she backed away immediately.

I'm tired now, I hope not now love.

"I always answer okay because I fucking always understand you while you're busy! But not that means, I'm always damn okay!" she shout me while her tears falling.

Most of all I don't want to see her hurt just because of me!

"I'm sorry love, I was so fucking damn busy."

"Yan na nga ang mali sa'yo eh, hindi mo napapansin dahil palagi ka namang busy! Pagod na'din ako Lei...p-pagod na pagod na ako. You're promises that end up with fucking sorry, may narinig ka ba sa'kin kahit isang katiting na reklamo, diba wala?! Wala ka na ngang oras sa'kin! Unahin mo naman ako, Lei!"

"I thought you understand, but I was wrong." mapakla akong tumawa.

"Ha, understand? Palagi naman kitang iniintindi eh, eh ako ni isa ba tinanong mo ang nararamdaman ko?!" turo niya sa sarili.

My tears were about to drip but I immediately avoided them. I never thought we would end up like this. I'm so selfish that even the woman I want I no longer ask if she's okay, if she still happy with me!

"I...hate those p-promises that end u-up into...sorry!"

Me too, love. But I have to do this, wala akong katulong na asikasuhin lahat ng ito.

"P-pagod na akong intindihin k-ka, Lei. Ni oras n-nga hindi m-muna maibigay sa'kin! Pa'no naman ako n-na...umiintindi sa'yo palagi? Ginawa ko naman lahat, n-naging okay ako kahit h-hindi naman talaga. P-pinakisamahan kita k-kahit alam 'kong wala k-ka ng oras sa'kin!"

I'm also tired of understanding myself!

"P-pagod na'din ako, Garrette!" my tears were already dripping but I look away.

Akala ko noong gabing 'yun doon na kami magtatapos pero nagkamali ako. Sinayang ko na naman yung pagkakataon na binigyan niya ako ng isa pang chance. Hindi ko akalain na dito na kami magtatapos sa kapabayaan ko!

The Ceo Secretary ( #1 )Where stories live. Discover now