20: Good times and bad

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On reaching the stage, we saw DG the idol speaking to the audience.
He was pointing at Daniel and asking him to come onto the stage and join Inspirit in their performance.

Everyone was surprised to see that DG knew Daniel.
I wasn't as surprised because I knew from before, all that drama that took place with Aru that day.

'That reminds me, DG knew Charles Choi too.
He could be involved in all of this as well.'

'But since he has such a clean public profile, I doubt it.
Or they must be good at hiding all these...'

My thoughts were cut off as Daniel made his way onto the stage.

He performed with them well, he ought to be familiar with all the moves from his time at the agency.

After the performance, there was a commotion as DG made his way out.

I turned to Jiho.

He was looking at the others - Zack, Mira, Jay, Joy, Daniel, Zoe - as they were posing for photos.

"Do you want to take a photo too?" I asked him.

"They are not gonna like me joining them."

"You don't know that."

"Zack told me earlier not to bother them."

'Ohh that's probably because he wanted to be alone with Mira.'

"Well, we can take a photo if you want.
I am not very good at posing though..." I offered.

"Really? Can we?"

"If you want."

I took out my phone and we posed for a selfie.
It came out unnatural at first, I kept on staring with my eyes too wide open.
But at last, we managed to get some proper ones.




We got back on the bus.

I sat on the window seat.
I liked the feeling of the wind against my face.

I sat there lost in thoughts when the girl next to me said something.
Her name was Jasmine if I remember right.

"Sorry, I couldn't hear you. What were you saying?"

"My watch, did you see it? I had it on a while ago, but now I can't find it."

"No, I didn't.
Did you perhaps lose it at the theme park?" I asked. "If that's the case, I don't imagine it to be easy finding it again."

"I don't know.
My boyfriend gave it to me when he came back from the military. It was so beautiful and expensive..." She explained.

"I'm so sorry you lost it." I didn't know what else to say.

"Actually, it's okay. I can ask him to get me another one. He will get me anything I want because he loves me. And he's rich."

"Ohh... okay😳."
That's weird. She looked so sad and worried but in like a split second her expression changed.

Aaahh whatever, I'm too exhausted to think about it now...


"Kyra, do you have an extra pen I could use?
Mine ran out of ink." Hana asked me.

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