33: Offer

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"What would you like to have?" 

We were currently inside a late-night ramen place, he just walked in and I followed. He got us a private room, but the idea of being in a place alone with Goo was unsettling, to say the least. He just...doesn't have this 'good person' vibe around him?

Who am I kidding? He obviously isn't a good person! He's been into prison, he does violent criminal stuff for money and he's a hell of a fighter.

Damn right I'd be scared!😳

"Nothing really...I'm not very hungry."

"Really? You've been wandering around all day, I thought you'd be hungry..." He let out softly.



What was your name again?"


"Geez, why are you nervous? If you're so scared already, how am I gonna discuss what I have with you? Hmm? Calm down."

"What is it that you wanted to talk with me?"

"I am going to order something, you know, I had a long day...having to drive literal miles, clearing up after other people's mess...what a day..."


'I just got ignored didn't I?'

"I know I could just tell you right away." He continued.

"But where's the fun in that?
I like beating around the bush, I like how utterly terrified it makes people as they try to figure out what I'm getting at...the reactions are just...wow." He said with a sadistic grin.

He was right of course, I was in fact trying to figure him out and I wasn't exactly getting anywhere with it.

"You know, people say I'm so observant, that it's scary sometimes."

"...do they?'

"Mmhm...want me to tell you something I've been observing for a while?"

'I don't know, why are you telling me all this...?'


"You're quite tall for a girl...but, your palms and feet are tiny."


"Yeah, just look at your feet...where do you even buy shoes from? Do they sell them in your size?"

"Yes, they do."😶

"You know", he looked under the table, at my feet for a quick second before he continued, "I know you'd been walking those feet around quite some interesting places today..."


'Did he see me there-
How much does he know?
What does he think I had been doing there?
What is the safest thing to say right now?'

He ordered something, waited as the waiter walked away, and then spoke again.

"Nothing to say? Okay, I guess it can't be helped when you're shocked.

Just answer me, Kyra. What were you doing at James Lee's place, and at his school? Why were you there?"

"Why do you think I was there?"

"Oh, I thought that was obvious? Didn't I just say, your shoes gave it away...there were footsteps where I had work today, and there were these really small, faint ones, I couldn't figure who it belonged to.

But looking at you now, I'm pretty sure it fits..."

"I can't be the only person owning these shoes in the entire Seoul...right?"

'What am I even doing? He knows, he already knows, there's no point.'

But I wanted to be absolutely certain before I spoke anything. This most definitely has gotten me into trouble.

Well, too late for regrets now...I guess.

"Right? I thought so too. But then you came out from behind that house at the hilltop, coincidences have their limitations, don't they?

I'm pretty darn sure it was you, don't think of lying.

I HATE liars."


"...okay...yes, I'd been there."

"Why were you there?"

"I was following someone and got there..."

"Daniel Park?"

'How does he know Dan? Wait so he knows that the other person was Dan-'


"How do you know him?"

"We're colleagues."

"You just followed your colleague around for miles, without knowing where he was headed to?"

"I was...curious."

"Well, curiosity is going to get the cat killed, Kyra."



"Why are you asking me all this?"

"For starters, whatever you saw there, whatever you might have found out, and that name, James Lee, it was all supposed to be top secret.

Following what we usually do, I'd have reported you to my boss and he'd have had you...well...handled."

'Oww come on! Am I going to die--'

"But", he continued, my eyes fixed on him. The smirk on his face more unsettling than ever.

"I have an offer for you."


What could the offer be?

I've been wanting to write this chapter for quite a while now...but I'm not very sure if Goo's dialogues are out of character or not?

Like, would he really speak the way I've described?🤥

Also, we've hit 3k views you guys!🥳🥳
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