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song recommendation for this chapter!

"it took you two weeks, to go off and date her"


"jina, i'm sorry". jina didn't gave him any reaction, she just kept on staring at the frame, hugging them close to her chest. she didn't care about the blood on it, all she wanted now is to hear that jihoon is doing okay.

she looked up to jihoon's father. "why, why did you do all of this? why did you chose money over your own son!" she didn't care about the fact that she is still in the hospital, blinded by anger.

his father shook his head while crying, mumbling that he's sorry. jina shooked her head once again, tears started pooling again in her eyes.

" you saying sorry won't change anything mr park. if you're really sorry, you should prove it by doing something. if you love jihoon, please let him be happy with his own choice, even if it wasn't with me. just let jihoon be happy, he deserved all of that mr park ".

he stood up and kneeled next to jina, crying his eyes out. jina was stunned at his action, asking him to stand up but he refused. "jina, he told me that he won't forgive me ever if he died, so please help me. i will do anything, i will talk with yeji father. i love him so much, he's my only family. i don't want to lose him like i lose my wife "

jina nodded and ask him to stand up, she promised him that she would help him, she would do it for jihoon.

they went back to the icu, sitting on the bench. no one talked to each other , the atmosphere was cold. yeji then went and sit next to jina. jina let her be, yeji took her hand and squeeze them, giving her some strength.

"jina, before the accident happen, i called him, asking where he is and i recorded our phone call after i heard the loud sound come from him. and you need to hear this." she then took her phone out and play the recording.

"yeji, if i die tonight, tell jina i love her so much"

hearing those words, jina sobbed once again. yeji hugged her, patting her back, whispering to her that things will be okay. seeing how much jihoon loves jina, she decided she will just go against her father, they both deserve to be happy with each other and she wants to find her own happiness too.


time passed by and jina was getting tired of waiting. asahi did ask her to go home but she didn't want to, she wants to stay until she heard that jihoon is doing well.

all of a sudden, the door opened and a doctor walk out from it, smiling. "are you park jihoon family? don't worry, he's doing well but he's still unconscious. he's lucky the accident only injured his feet and not his head  or else he would be in a worse state. so don't worry too much, i'll get going then. "

they thanked the doctor and jina finally could take a deep breath in.

"jina, here my hoodie, i have it in my car. you should change your clothes before you go and visit him". asahi handed her his hoodie and she thanked him. he gave her a sweet smile and she changed her clothes.

then, she took the frame and she used wet tissues to wipe the blood off from the stained frame. she went into the room after getting permission from his father.

they all went home, except for jina. she wanted to stay and they let her be.


she stare at jihoon deeply. his head is wrapped in a bandage and there's wire everywhere. he's also wearing an oxygen tube, to help him breathe and jina couldn't help but feel sad at that. she kept on caressing his hair while her other hand hold his hand.

"hoonie, do you remember, the day i first met you? i was walking to the cafe with aera when i suddenly stumbled and you caught me. hahaha i feel like i was in a drama at that time. seeing your concern face and that eye smile, maybe we could call it love at the first sight? from that day onwards, your friends would always tease me everytime i walked past you and we would have small talk with each other here and there. then on my birthday, you decided to ask for my numbers and after that we started to date. hoonie, it will be our 6 year anniversary next week. wow, time pass by so fast. you should wake up okay, hoonie, so that we can celebrate our anniversary together. your father promise me that he will ask yeji father to change his mind. we could be together hoonie so all you have to do now is wake up "

she smiles and caress his cheek next. jihoon used to have chubby cheek but over the year he lose them, she adore his chubby cheek so much. " please wake up hoonie, i miss you. i'm sorry for realising too late that you need me to support you. so please wake up, so we can continue our story"

she put her head on his chest, crying.
suddenly the ekg/egc machine beep loudly, signalling that jihoon heart stop beating. jina panicked and screamed for the nurse. the nurse rushed in with the doctors and she was forced out. "hoonie, you need to wake up, don't leave me"

she managed to scream the words before she was forced out. she stand outside the room, watching the doctor rip open jihoon shirt. he ask the nurse for the defibrillator and started to shock him,trying to make his heart beat again.

it didn't work and seeing that jina fall down to the floor before she felt a hand reach to her. it was asahi, helping her to stand again and she did while asahi supported her. the doctor decided to gave him a cpr instead, still trying hard to save him. jina scream once again when he stopped suddenly, feeling like she lost hope.

and done again hahahaha, okay bye i will go now. don't forget to comment your thoughts and vote, bye <3. the idea for this chapter and the next was mine and my friend qay_here so if you guys want to scold me, be mad at her as well. nahh i'm just kidding! bye - fea

(the next chapter will be good, i promise, okebye <3)

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