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"guess you didn't cheat, but you're still, you're still a traitor"


jina stare out from her balcony. it's raining and she's holding onto her phone. she opened up her chat with yeji, and play one recording from months ago. "yeji, if i die tonight, tell jina i love her so much". she smiles hearing the words. she was lost in her daydreaming, with the record on loop, when a voice called out to her.

"love, what are you doing?". she turns around and hug him. "jina baby, that recording was recorded months ago. i know you miss me, but there's other things you could listen to, why would you listen to something so depressing?" jihoon caresses her hair.

"just because, you love me too much don't you?" he laughed at that and picked her up to the couch,making her sit there. "yes, i love you so much baby". he kissed her forehead, smiling.
"now, what do you want for dinner? let's just order the food, you don't have to cook". jina agree and they decided to have pizza for dinner.



"finally, we did it. his heart is beating again" the doctor said, he then turned around and smile to jina, assuring her that jihoon is doing fine now.

she turn around and hug asahi, crying her eyes out. she felt so relieved that jihoon is doing okay. that night she stay with jihoon, sleeping by his side.

she woke up in the morning when she felt a hand caress her hair. she opened her eyes and jihoon was smiling at her weakly, with his eye.

she stood up and hug him, not caring about all of the wires. jihoon weakly pat her back, assuring her things is okay. "love, you're hurting me". she pulled away quickly and apologise to him. he smiles. "so you love me huh?"

if jihoon wasn't in that state, she would pinch his thigh. he almost die yesterday but now he's here making jokes. "of course i do". jihoon laughed again and ask her to come close to him.

she obeyed him and he kissed her forehead "i love you much baby". she smiles and mumbled she loves him too.

she called for the doctor and jihoon stay in the hospital for another week. they actually celebrated their 6 year anniversary there, with all their friends.

jihoon father managed to convince yeji father to cancel the wedding, even though he warn him that he will not continue their contract anymore. jihoon father agree to those, since all he wanted is for jihoon to be happy. he didn't care for money anymore, since he realised his only son matter the most.

it wasn't easy for jihoon to win jina's heart back, jina make him try for 2 months before fully accepting him. during those period, he would suprise her with flowers, taking her out for dinner, ice skate together and they would go for a date, eating ice cream and even skateboarding together. jina accepted him back since he try so hard and jihoon move in with her.

the reason why was because he didn't want to live in their old apartment anymore since it contained a lot of awful memories. besides that, jina's apartment is closer to his company so he didn't have to drive so far away anymore.


"baby, why are you staring at the wall again? i'm right here, so you should pay attention to me!" jina raised her eyebrow, since when does jihoon act so clingy. she pinch his cheek and he pout.

"why are you being so clingy?" jihoon laughed and lay down on her lap. "let me be, i still can't believe we're together again baby"

jina cooed at that, smiling happily. she was super thankful to asahi for making her realised that she loves jihoon and jihoon needs her. she's also thankful to yeji, for helping them persuading her father, to not let them get married. she's thankful for jihoon father, for keeping his promise and for letting jihoon be happy with his own choice.

jina actually believed that they won't end up together after they last talked at jeongwoo funeral. she was accepting the fact that jihoon is going to marry yeji, and she would give asahi a chance. but turns out, fate really love to play with her life. she get back with jihoon and life has been an absolute joy for her. there's this one saying, that she hold onto for a long time. it's "if it's meant to be, it will happen"

and it comes true. even though they faced many challenges, they managed to overcome them, making themselves stronger. jina hoped she could grow old together with jihoon because that's all she want.


"baby, look at me!" jina turned around to face jihoon and he poked her dimple. she laughed at that because its have been a long time since he does that. she lay down beside him, and hug his waist.

"love, i have a question though. why did you accept me back even though i betrayed you?" she looked up and cupped his face. she kissed his lips and smiles.

"you didn't do it on purpose hoonie, you were forced. you never betray me so don't say that ever again okay. let's focus on our future now."

jihoon nodded and hug jina tighter, feeling happier than ever. he promised himself to take care of jina, until death do they apart.

and done. that's it. don't forget to vote and comment down your thoughts! see you on the last chapter! bye - fea

traitor | p.jihoon ✔️Where stories live. Discover now