Part 40

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🅰🆁🅸🅴🆂 stands up, his right hand over his eyes, looking at Estella tearfully. He didn't want to be the one to tell her, but what else can he do now? "Let's leave before anything else happens." Estella nods, she runs her hand through her hair as she looks back toward the dead body.

Aries walked closer to her, he gently grabbed her hand pulling her to her feet, "Let's go." Estella nods, trying to hold back tears. He quickly did a check, taking things needed before they walked out, the moonlight illuminated their way as they made their way out of the forest.

As they walked on, the warm refreshing smell of the trees and the dirt under their feet, Estella's heart felt heavy and heavy. As they reached the edge of the forest, Aries pulled her towards him, he wanted to keep her safe in this place, he didn't want her hurt. She is his only family now, he held her as tears fell from her face,

"Estella..." Aries said in her ear, the gentle way he said her name was comforting.

"What?" Estella said in a small voice.

"Thresh is gone, he's gone...but I won't leave you alone. I promise."

"I-I don't want to lose you too..." Estella said, she was exhausted and she soon began to fall asleep as Aries was holding her. Gently, he took off his leather jacket, placing it over her shivering petit body. Aries raised her in his arms as he continued their walk like that. "I promise, I won't leave you alone."

Aries made the last trail through the woods in the dark, didn't want to go back to the place where he had left his friends...

Estella is sound asleep, under the jacket Aries had given her, and through the forest, she was safe with him. It was in the heart of night when Aries finally allowed himself to rest. Aries's eyes were closed, he had been walking all day, and he was tired. It felt so nice to finally have a place to rest. He was aware of Estella next to him; she was so warm and peaceful that it made Aries feel warm and safe.

He felt so lucky to have found her. Aries was soundly sleeping as he was surrounded by the darkness and warmth of the woods. He was worried about the future, but he was comfortable and at ease at the same time.

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It was almost dawn, he could see the red sunlight as it was breaking the clouds from the horizon, and he was about to wake up Estella as he gently shook her. Her eyes fluttered open with a fair amount of sleepiness. "Th-Thresh..." She said in a shaky voice, she opened her eyes to look at Aries, still feeling sleepy eyes.

Aries smiled, ignoring the pang of hurt and jealousy, he spoke tenderly to her, "It's me, Aries. And everything is fine, you don't need to worry about Thresh anymore, you don't have to worry about anything." Her eyes widened, staring at Aries. It was an expression of love and trust, "Aries, where are we?" She whispered as she looked around, taking in the barren landscape.

Aries stood up, stretching his body. Estella caught the groan and snapped from his bones. He walked towards her, slowly, as he continued to stretch, he held his hand out towards Estella, "Come, it's time to have breakfast." Estella was a bit hesitant to get up, but she was still happy that Aries was here and she was safe. She slowly got up; Aries took her hand.

The sun was rising in the sky, the clouds were disappearing as the sun started to rise, and the dew quickly evaporated under the warm rays. They strolled through the forest, vines and leaves were starting to green up again. It was so heartwarming to see the view of nature starting to take back its place.

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"Are you sure this" Estella asked as they walked through the forest, they hadn't seen another living soul for a long time.

It's been days since the loss, and Aries has been there with Estella through everything. When her nightmare hits the worst, when her solemn mood takes over, even when she releases unintentional hurtful words to him. But Aries continues to stay by her, being as patient as ever, and not taking anything to hurt knowing Estella is broken and wasn't even able to mourn for her friend.

They are currently camping by a cliff. Estella stares down into the waterfalls with a clear worry for both her and her partner's safety. Aries had suggested a fun game, cliff diving. Aries laughed out loud. "So what? You scared?"

Estella wasn't ready to have this close clear of danger, but she couldn't say no to him, she glanced at his face and he had a different look on his face, his eyes seemed to be smiling like never before, Estella smirked and held her hands up to her face, "You know you're a bad influence."

Aries nodded as he grabbed her small hands, "Trust me."

Continuing to smile, Estella nodded, she closed her eyes as she let go of her fears and put her trust in Aries. Aries waited for her count and prepared to take off his shoes and jeans, he had only one thought running through his mind. Confidence.

The sky was clear blue with just a few clouds, the sun was already high and bright, it was the perfect time to do this. Estella took a deep breath, she was already in her underwear only, glancing at Aries who is too. Hands already holding, with his smirk, he whispers to her ear, "Whenever you're ready."

She nodded, faced him, and gave a gentle laugh, "Let's count. 1... 2..-"

Aries didn't wait for the number three, with his hand still clasped with Estella. He pushed her along with him as she pressed herself into his chest, and he slowly pushed her feet from under her. With a loud hyper yell, he jumped off the cliff, Estella in his arms as she cursed him with everything she could think of.

He could hear her yelling over his loud yell, and he let out a laugh of joy. It was his and Estella's first and hopefully the last time doing cliff diving. It was a lot of fun, they laughed as they dived into the water, and they both looked at each other and grinned as they surfaced and floated down the waterfalls, happy as ever.

 It was a lot of fun, they laughed as they dived into the water, and they both looked at each other and grinned as they surfaced and floated down the waterfalls, happy as ever

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