Part 41

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🅰 cannon blast caught both Aries and Estella's attention. They share eye contact, wondering whose death was it this time. "That better not be Cato. I'll only accept it if I was the reason behind his death," Aries spoke with such venom and the sight wasn't pleasing as he sharps his swords and knives.

Estella watches without a word, seeing nothing to comment on it. She focuses back on hewing a flower crown due to boredom. But Aries could feel her eyes on him. He turns back to her with a cheeky grin, his swords clashing against each other, "What's wrong with you, my lady? Cato's death is no bother to you?"

Estella's eyes turn to him, her eyebrows furrow in confusion, and she points her crown at Aries, "His death is more like a birthday wish coming true to me." Aries's grin is bright as he looks at her, "I'll be the one to grant it then."

They went back to doing their own task, in comfortable silence. Normally in their daily routine, Aries and Estella didn't talk much. Instead, you would always find them together so quietly yet so close to each other. Eventually, though, Aries knew that there were things she wanted to talk about. And as he would always be there, at her side, he would listen.

"From my guess, there should be around 5 more tributes left. Including us." Aries nodded his head, listening to her list out her thoughts, "Do you know who they are?" Estella finished the last of her crown and took the finished one from the ground. She gave it to him, "My guess would be Katniss, Peeta, Cato, and us." Aries led his head forward for her to place the crown on his head, adjusting it until she was satisfied.

All that while he stares at her, entranced. "Meaning that cannon blast would be for Miss Foxface." Estella nodded her head, her thumb stroking through her hair, just as she smiled, "I have a feeling about who's going to win this Hunger Games."

Aries's heart beats faster as he looks at her, his fingers curling themselves around the crown, "As much as I hate it. That Katniss and Peete is is the one, right?" Estella agrees, standing up from the ground to place herself right beside Aries. Her hand came right up and gripped his hand, "I know Peeta is weak in comparison but I hope he wins."

He smiles at her, "I'm getting jealous of Peeta now." Estella laughs, "Since we both agree they would. What about us?" Aries pauses sharpening his swords, he glimpses at Estella. He never expected Estella to bring up the topic of death after witnessing Rue and Thresh's. He sighs out his breath, "I don't know what to expect. But I guess I would prefer a quick death."

Estella squeezes his hand as he stares at her. "Then I hope the same for mine."

He stares intensely at her, memorizing each feature of the girl's face. He gave a soft smile before he looked away. "I was wondering... What if we did win this game? Not that I have any hope for." Estella giggles at Aries's tone, they both know for a matter of fact that if he wanted to live and survive, he could easily. Heck, the male can even take down Cato, Katniss, and Peeta now rather than sitting here, talking with her.

Estella played along to his question, she did question why he wasn't trying to win. But a selfish part of her wants him here with her. "Well, obviously we would head home to district 5." Aries nods his head, "But do you think you would be able to live a normal life after all this?" Estella thinks hard for a moment before answering, her fingers stroking through her long drained hair as her pupils locked in on Aries, "I don't know."

Aries nodded his head; he knew for a fact that she probably wouldn't be able to live a normal life. What most of them didn't understand was the psychological trauma, especially for those who already lived a life with trauma. He knew that her nightmares and flashbacks of Rue and Thresh's death were still fresh in her mind, and they had been for days.

Estella has lived a life of horror and trauma since she lost her parents.

"... Would you still talk to me when we get home?" Aries asked, not being able to look at her. He put his attention on the ground instead. Estella felt herself being pushed into the ground, the sound of dirt and grit falling. His words reminded her that they didn't know each other despite living in the same district.

They only talk and get close because of this stupid game. She starts wondering about how she would be able to live without him. She's getting attached to him, and they barely know each other, they are so different, even though they are a lot alike.

Aries stands up and looks over at Estella, he is scared that his question causes an answer that he wishes he would never hear from her. He was scared that Estella would be able to live a normal life without him.

He kneels in front of Estella, his weaponry on his side. He placed his head on Estella's lap, letting her play with his hair. Her fingers were curled around the tip of his hair, pulling it gently, as she thought of her answer. Estella would be able to live on without Aries because she had someone to anticipate her life with...

But her life would be depressing without him. She starts to wonder how her past life survived without an Aries in her life. "Whatever you wish or not, I would still be here with you." Aries bites his lip as he stares at Estella, waiting for her answer.

Estella smiled before she tilted her head to the side, "Is that a promise? Then you won't have to leave me. If we win, I want you to stay with me. If you die, I'll go with you too." Her voice was soft but the truth in it was clear. His eyes were a little shiny as he nodded his head.

"Yes, it's a promise."

Estella hummed, letting her fingers play with the hair on his head. "Thank you for making me know that." Aries's hands reach out to her, "You're welcome." Their hands met again, just that it was magical to Estella. She could feel the warmth of his fingers, and it felt good. 


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