Part 42

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🅴🆂🆃🅴🅻🅻🅰 had lost count of the days they had been trapped in the arena; she walked slowly behind Aries. She held tight to his back shirt as she wore his jacket due to the freezing night. Their bodies touched together as they walked forward. Aries slips his hand around Estella's waist, and he is just able to enjoy her warmth of her.

They were from two different worlds; they were so different yet so similar.

Estella stared into the distance as she walked, it was such a beautiful night outside that it was hard to think of anything else but the stars above their head. Seeing so many stars in the night sky was the best way to escape from reality and get into deep thoughts. But that didn't last long, as a piercing sound broke into Estella's high hearing.

Snapping her head around to locate the sound. The shrieking builds on to the point, Aries too heard it. She froze, her heart beating faster as she turned her head. Aries looks at Estella, pulling her close so that her back is touching his front while he has his sword up. Ready for whatever was coming.

"Aries. There." Estella softly whispers to his ears, not to gain any attention from them as she points into the far-off but still-in-sight. There was Peeta and Katniss. Cato too soon appears when he bursts out of the trees, running right at District 12's tributes with sheer terror in his eyes as if something were chasing him.

Aries and Estella shared eye contact before focusing back to see something impossibly lethal. Racing at top speed after the three teenagers, a pack of them. Wild dogs seem mutations. Murderous and huge compared to any normal wild dog.

Aries watches in amusement as Cato not so slow even with the Kevlar body armor he's wearing runs with so much fear radiating off his body. Katniss and Peeta join after the male, as they run for their life to Cornucopia. "Now that's what I call entertainment," he spoke out with laughter after a good silence, even going to applaud the camera for the game maker's creativity.

"It's cute. Wasn't it, Stellie? I would keep one as a pet!" Aries was in his hyper mood, teasing Estella again with laughter. She giggles at him, her fingers playfully running over his hair, "I don't think a normal dog would want to be friends with something like that."

"More pleasure to take care of it." Aries grabs her with his free hand, he is so excited that he is about to do something he hasn't done in a while. Estella giggles knowing Aries is bringing her to the Cornucopia to witness the scene of Cato peeing his pants, Peeta yelling like a girl, and Katniss the only person sane to try to keep everyone calm.

Aries leads Estella to a safe distance. Estella being her, prefers to stay high on the tree branches as it can guarantee a safe route for them. He obeys her request; they watch from the closet tree branches as the seven wild dogs chase down the tributes that run for their life. Estella memorizes the scene, ignoring her mind reminding her of Thresh's death being set here.

Some seams give Cato some purchase as he climbs. Katniss follows at full speed, leaping up, grabbing a seam, and climbing the wall desperately. Adrenaline rocketed, even for Estella as she couldn't find herself looking away. Katniss gets there, onto its flat surface and she and Cato square off instantly. Cato drew a sword, Katniss her bow.

"Your bet is on who? Mine's Cato as much as I hate him," Aries whispers, gaining Estella's attention away from the war zone. Estella leaned toward Aries, her face barely visible in the moonlight, nothing but shadows as she spoke, her voice low and intense, "Cato."

Aries nods his head, "Good." He whispered back to Estella, he wanted to see if she had the same opinion as him. But, incredibly, the lead mutation easily bound that ten-foot-high wall in a single bound, barreling into Cato. "Pst, come on! It was starting to get to the good part!"

As Cato battles with the mutation, Katniss turns. Her eyes fell on Aries and Estella due to the male's loud booming voice but moved to Peeta, hobbling this way. The pack gaining on him fast. Peeta gets to the base of the Cornucopia and starts to climb. One of the mutations swipes at his legs with its four-inch razor claws. Instant blood. Instant agony. Peeta howls in pain.

"Do you plan on intervening in this fight?" Estella questioned the thing that's been bothering her since they laid eyes on the trio. Aries nods his head, "No intentions of saving him," Aries declares without a second thought. Estella sighed; she wasn't surprised. She didn't expect Aries to want to save Katniss and Peeta.

Aries turns to Estella, seeing her concerned eyes on the battlefield, he knows he has to do something. "I'll do it. I'll save them, again." Estella was astonished at his sudden non-sadism side. He had always been a badass in a fight but never had he shown interest in saving anyone.

"You would?" Estella asked questionably, she wasn't sure she wanted Aries to make the risky move, not after all that had happened. But seeing Peeta in such a state and Katniss panicking. "Yeah, yeah." Aries quietly climbs down from the branch. She watches him carefully, she knows the male will win this. Both know in the back of their head that this would be the last fight before a winner would be declared.

Meaning their death is near.

Estella took out a dagger from her belt and fired it right into the throat of the beast that clawed Peeta and gave Aries clear access to them. She observes as it falls back, dead. "Come on, Peeta. You got to climb," Peeta and Katniss were surprised at a new voice. It was Aries.

Aries effortlessly carried Peeta over his shoulder and climbed up the Cornucopia. Peeta wanted to say thanks to Aries, but it was nearly impossible for him to talk, he was so exhausted. Aries got to a safe place, and he was able to ease off Peeta, lowering him to the ground.

Katniss was dismayed and unaware of why Aries was doing this, she wasn't big on letting others help her. "Move." Aries simply said. Katniss grimaced at his rudeness but did so when Cato stabbed the lead mutation. A death blow and shoves it at Katniss's feet. Katniss recoils, instantly.

Just saw something horrifying: This Mutation has human eyes. Glimmer's eyes.

"Good God."


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