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At the Naka Shrine.

All the eight members of Akatsuki were standing beside each other waiting for their leader to say something as he read what was written on the stone tablet. The atmosphere in there was a very quiet and tense one. The aim...the objective...the reason of existence of Akatsuki...everything was depending on what was written on it. Everyone noted the expression their leader Nagato had as he read it. One could tell just by looking at him that he was under great conflict inside his mind. "Nagato what did it read?" Konan asked to break the suffocating silence created around them.

Nagato remained silent even after Konan's question. He looked behind at his group and gawked at the whole group for a while  "From tomorrow it starts. The beginning of the end of Akatsuki...also the beginning of success of Akatsuki's goals."

The short message of Nagato gave an idea to the whole group of what was their aim. "Tomorrow we will start the the hunt....the first is ONE TAILS and TWO TAILS" said Nagato. "We will go then" Deidara and Sasori volunteered themselves "It will be our honor to be the first one" they said. "Nagato what did it say? Tell us exactly what did it say?" Konan asked him again. "Not here Konan. Konoha might be sending reinforcement here soon and Crow alone can't handle them. We will first go to our place" soon after Nagato said the whole group started walking towards the exit.


Minato along with some shinobis came running towards the Naka Shrine. As soon as they reached the place they were shocked by seeing their comrades lying on the ground brutally beaten though none of them seemed to be dead. "There they are Hokage-sama" Neji said as he directed his finger at the 8 Akatsuki members who were leaving the place. "They are leaving don't let them escape!" ordered Minato as the group rushed towards the Akatsukis.


Soon black colored flames covered the whole group in circle. "Amaterasu! The infamous black flames that are inextinguishable....this is the first time I am seeing it. Everyone don't try to cross it or else you will be persihed." Minato ordered as everyone stopped. " So you did this huh?....The Crow. Don't tell me you defeated Itachi Nii-san also." Sasuke looked above the tree at a Akatsuki member who was sitting on the tree branch. The person was hiding his face under a one-eyed mask glaring his Sharingan eye which had blood dripping out of it. "He has Mangekyou Sharingan....this explains how you were able to defeat him".
"Sorry Sasuke I don't have time to chat with you. Maybe next time." after saying this the Crow vanished from the place.

After a while the black flames finally died down. The group helped their fallen comrades get back on their legs and provided medic to them. Some who were in worse condition were being taken to Hospital. Soon from the woods Sasuke walked out with his brother Itachi who was walking by his support.
"Hokage-sama I found him deep inside the woods near the entrance of the Shrine. He must have had a hard fight with the Crow." said Sasuke.
"Sorry Hokage-sama I was not able to hold them until your arrival." Itachi apologized at his state. "Don't apologize Itachi you did your best. And about this thing......there is a lot we need to discuss"....


At Namikaze house.

As Narumi and Menma went out for the battle the mantle of cleaning the guest room fell on Kushina. "Kushina-san let me do it. You are sick so you should rest. As I am the one who will be using the room I should clean it myself." Naruto then grabbed the mop from Kushina's hand and started cleaning the room.

As Naruto cleaned the room Kushina asked him many questions about his hobbies and favorities. It didn't took a lot of time for Naruto to get comfortable  with this lady who was so humble to allow a complete stranger live in her house. It was like a dream for Kushina...having a nice chat with her son was something she always missed. Whatever was happening in the village didn't matter to Kushina. All she wanted was to live this moment forever .

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