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At Akatsuki Hideout.

"..And that's how it went. I had to kill him" Naruto explained Nagato why he had to kill Prince but Nagato didn't seemed to buy it "so you mean someone like Prince of Fumo put a good fight to you as such as you had to kill him. Come on Naruto not even a kid would believe it."
"Um...thats...what should I say..that bastard.." Naruto stumbled in his words as he failed to deceive Nagato.

"Anyways" interrupted Nagato "Did you dispose his body?" Naruto sweatdropped at his questions as he said "uhh about that..."


Next day
At Konohagakure,
Hokage office.

The news of Prince's death spread in all the nations as fast as any other tragic event. But in Konoha, it was as if a bomb drop. All shinobis of Fumo clan were shaken to core, elders of Hyuga including Hiashi also couldn't believe the news when they heard it. Those villagers and shinobis in leaf who respected Fumo clan or were acquaintance of Prince were shocked by his death.

Danzo, who was supposed to be panicked after loss of his co-conspirator was instead calm and collected. Sitting on his seat in the office with his chin rested on his hands. He thought of his next actions as he waited for detailed report of Prince's death. 'That shitty Prince is dead now. Anyways I was going to kill him after Jinchurification of Menma. I thought that everyone would wake from coma after his death but no one has yet. Good for me. In next few hours I would be possessing the chakra of Nine-Tails and then--' a knock on the door interrupted his thoughts, "come in"

Itachi walked in with a scroll in his hand "these are the reports of Prince's death" he continued "it was a one shot kill. Looks like his head was sliced in one go.". A deep sigh was released by Danzo as he said "we lost an important member today. But we can't let it distract us from our main objective".

"Yes sir, the arrangements are done. I have placed seals inside the place too." Said Itachi. "Today night we must get the Jinchurification done. Is Menma ready?" Danzo asked. "Yes. He has been kept in our secret Anbu base under continuous medical watch."....


Few hours later,
Night time,
10 minutes before Jinchurification.
Konoha Library.

" here...not even here" pages after pages were turned, books upon books kept piling up but Kushina couldn't find what she was looking for. After almost clearing a whole section of of library since morning her eyes went on a book titled "NINE-TAILS?" She quickly grabbed open the book and was confused of two things. First, the book seemed to be in a really really bad condition. It was not even threaded properly as pages threatened to slip out, It was too thin to even call a book, it had caught a lot of dust and the writing seemed amateur and quite familiar. Second, the author's name was only half written with initials being O B I.

Not giving any more thoughts on the condition of the book she opened and started reading:
That what the whole world thought as a myth is not a myth. For a long time shinobis have been using Tailed-Beasts for war purposes. Their power is hailed as the strongest. Only 8 Tailed-Beasts are is what we thought, but there exists a power that is beyond human comprehension in this world. Power we shall never seek to gain.

Yes it is Nine-Tails. The Nineth Tailed-Beasts which is taken as myth but, actually isn't not. This is not a speculation neither my own theory. Unfortunately this is something only I know. Nine Tails is not like any other Tailed-Beast. It doesn't allow it's contribution in war thus no one has ever seen it's power. No one can gain control of his power. The one who tries to take control of it's power will inevitably die.

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