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At Konoha Hospital.

The news of today's incident spread like a forest fire. Within a few hours of the incident entire world knew about today's ambush.

It was night time. Among the three injured ones Naruto was the only one who came back to consciousness. Minato, who was the most injured one was on the bed next to his wife. Kushina was not physically injured but due to some reason she was still unconscious.

Medical ninjas were astonished by seeing the recovery rate of Naruto. The injuries on him were enough to put a healthy shinobi on the bed for a day but Naruto's wounds healed within a few hours.

Right now Naruto was sitting on the bed with his legs spread straight underneath a blanket. Ever since he has woken up he has been thinking of only one thing 'why did Akatsuki saved them?'. Also Kurama's words which at first were confusing for him had now started to get clear.

"Kaa-san, Tou-san!"

Naruto was snapped out of his thoughts  by two blonde siblings who had recklessly barged inside the room. As soon as Menma and Narumi got the news they wasted no time and rushed back to the village.

Both of them were tear-filled looking at the state of their parents. "How-how did it happened Naruto?" asked Menma.
"For Tou-san to be in such bad has to be Akatsuki-"

"No it wasn't Akatsuki" Naruto's quick response shocked both of them. "It were some white cloaked shinobis. They were powerful...too powerful. Minato-sama took down more than half of them but their numbers were too much..." Naruto went on explaining today's events to both of them.

The rage was clearly visible in both of their eyes after listening the story. "Such a coward move. Kidnapping Kaa-san to lure Tou-san in their trap" Narumi clenched her fists.
Soon a nurse walked into the room catching everyone's attention.

"Is Tou-san and Kaa-san fine? They are fine right? Till when will they recover?"
Narumi and Menma bombarded the nurse with questions. "Do not worry about Kushina-san. She has no physical or internal damage. Once she regains her consciousness she will be good to go" Nurse's words somewhat relieved their worry.

"And Tou-san? He is good right?" As soon as Narumi asked the question they noticed how nurse's face went down. "Oye tell me? What happened to him? Oye" soon Tsunade entered the room with some papers in her hands. Her face fell down when she saw Narumi and Menma were also present. 'How can I tell them? Are they ready to hear this'

Menma and Narumi ran towards Tsunade and asked the same questions they asked to Nurse. "Minato, temporarily can't be Hokage" Tsunade's made both of them pale. They couldn't believe what they just heard.

"Multiple rib injuries, lot of blood loss, his forearm bones are crushed like powder. It took me all I had to fix his arms but still it will take more than a month to recover." Narumi and Menma landed on the chair in shock. Tears that were filled with anger trailed down their eyes.

"And.." continued Tsunade which caused the siblings to think 'there is still something left?'. "There has been inflicted a very tremendous amount of damage on Minato's core...this damage is internal. Chakra is infused in the body from the core. And because his core is almost destroyed...he can never infuse chakra now. The chakra left in him is all he has" Narumi and Menma had no expression on their face. It was like they were a dead body made to sit with their eyes open.

They couldn't even imagine that the situation would go so extreme. "Thanks to Naruto who got there and saved Minato in time...or else who knows what would have happened" with this Tsunade placed the reports in nurse's hand and left.

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