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Evening Time.

In Hyuga House.

The unconscious Hinata was found in the forest by some villagers who were set to collect woods. Soon the case was reported to Substitute Hokage and Hinata was carried back to her home to take rest until she wakes up.

Right now her room was filled with Hyugas , Substitute Hokage, her friends and other important shinobis. Due to the Incidents happening past few weeks, even this case was being connected to Akatsuki.


" I....I joined Akatsuki"

"Naruto!" with a scream of his name Hinata suddenly shot up from her bed covered in sweat. This took the attention of everyone in the room as they gathered around her. "Hinata are you okay? Wh-who did this to you?" with a worried tone Hiashi caught Hinata's hand. Hinata looked around her too see herself on the bed surrounded by her friends and number of other shinobis.

'Why am I on the bed? Why are so many people gathered here?...Hinata I....I joined Akatsuki' Hinata remembered the frame of memory she had with Naruto before she got unconscious. 'Naruto....I was on a date with him...or was it just a dream?'. "Tou-san did you find something around me? A small box or something?" Hinata asked to confirm that was she really on a date with him or was it just all a dream.

"Yeah there was this thing lying next to you. Looks like hairpins " Looking at the lavender hairpins Naruto had bought for her Hinata quickly took it in her hands with a smile. No one in the room could understand her behavior.
' Thank god that it was not a dream. But does that mean Hinata I....I joined Akatsuki....does that mean that it is true' A feared look was clearly visible on Hinata's face which bothered everyone. "Hinata are you oka--" before Menma could ask her he was interrupted by Hinata, "Menma where is Naruto?".

"He is not at home. Even I have been searching for him everywhere. What happened to Naruto?" asked Menma. "Kaa-san said that he was with you. But after hearing your news even she has been worried. On top of that he is found nowhere" said Narumi.

Hinata was shaking all-over with fear after hearing that Naruto is missing. One thing she was sure of was that she definitely encountered an Akatsuki before she was hit unconscious but those words Naruto said were so clear to her that she couldn't shake off of her mind. "Naruto? I know your group very well and I don't remember someone with this name" said Danzo. "He has recently moved in the village a month ago before the security barriers were placed. A lot of things happened after that and we all became his friends. " replied Neji. "Before security barriers were installed huh..." murmered Danzo to himself "Hinata please tell us what all things happened before you went unconscious" he continued.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Hinata for the amswer. She was having a great conflict in her mind. She didn't want to say what Naruto told her but as a shinobi it was her duty to inform everyone about the events occurred. "I was on a date with Naruto" she continued which plastered a smile on her friends while her father reacted with wide eyes " We had a lot of fun and he even bought me this hairpins. The incident occured when I was walking with him in the Konoha forest.
Just when we walked a little further we were attacked by an Akatsuki member"

Hinata's words changed the atmosphere of the room. "AN Akatsuki member? Are you sure it was only one person? Did you see him?" asked Itachi. "Yes I remember very well. He was wearing Akatsuki cloak and wielded a scythe".

"What happened after you spotted him? He attacked you?" asked Shikamaru. "Yeah. I informed Naruto about his presence but he showed no response. I asked him what was wrong and his next words..." Hinata placed her hands over her mouth as she couldn't say further. "What did he say Hinata?" asked Menma.

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