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Suddenly the battle had turned upside-down. Shinobis were no longer affected by the storm. They killed and conquered the land part by part as Toneri's army started to decrease in number.

In meantime, the Tree started making another Beast bomb but this time they had Narumi to protect them. The army was like animals ready to ravage and feared nothing. Even the severe wounds didn't slow them.

On other hand, the gigantic monster summoned by Toneri were handled by Sasuke and Kakashi.

Kages,who first struggled to hit Toneri were now connecting several hits. It was Menma who played the main role in dominating him. Toneri's speed was matched toe-to-toe by Menma which pressurized him.

Toneri didn't seem to be giving his full in the battle. He just went all out against Nagato which was evident by Nagato's condition as he was bruised severely.

Nagato noticed that Toneri kept looking at the sky but he couldn't understand anything.

Toneri released a strong wind attack which smashed Menma on ground. " think you are winning don't you" Toneri looked straight into Nagato's eyes.

Taking a last look at the sky, Toneri smiled evilly and charged at him with all his might. Each blow was like tons of weight thrown at him. "SHINRA TENSEI!" Toneri dodged his attack which shocked him but the combat continued.

Just then a powerful blow struck Toneri. The power was evident in amount of pressure it created in the atmosphere but Toneri was still smiling. It was the strongest attack from  Raikage but still he was standing on his legs.

Soon his legs started to shake as Toneri fell on his knees. Shinobis started to cheer and praise Raikage but Raikage was rather terrified. He saw something in Toneri's eyes. What was it? Something which could even freeze the strongest Kage.

"STOPPP!!" He screamed as loud as possible. He punched Nagato on the guts and sent him flying on the ground. Everyone was confused as to what just happened.

"Raikage-sama what are-"

"Stay away from me! Step bac-!!" Before he could finish his sentence a strong earth-shaking surge of power exploded from Toneri which destroyed the land beneath him. The God Tree released a loud roaring cry which terrified everyone. 'How can a scream be so disturbing?' They wondered.

It started to form a pair of legs and grew rapidly in height. The monsters had got exponentially stronger too.
Raikage's body was totally engulfed by the beam of energy emerged from Toneri.

"Raikage-sama!" The shinobis screamed.

It was the most horrifying scene. Raikage was lifted up by his throat by Toneri while he was burning alive. Several strong jutsus were directed at him but all of them were simply absorbed.

All of the best Taijutsu fighters went ahead to save him but they were launched out by the energy blast around Toneri's radius.

"Summoning Jutsu: Great Chakra Cage!"

Number of chakra rods emerged out of the ground just around Toneri and formed a cage. The lock was nullifying his chakra which made him drop the Raikage but what happened then left the shinobis pale.

While the larger part of army was busy in dealing with the monsters, the other smaller part was witnessing some inhumane demonstration of power.

As Toneri released his grab on Raikage, all that fell on the ground was his skeleton. Blackened and powdered bones of Raikage. His death created a lump in their throat. Kumogakure shinobis identity, their leader, their mentor...died right in front of them.

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