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"What?what happened?" Menma was confused. As soon as he got the sword he rushed out in the battlefield, but when he looked around he could feel sadness in the air. He saw all the shinobis running towards the center of the village, "hey what happened? Why did it become so silent here?" Menma asked one of the shinobi.

"We defeated all those Titan-like monsters and made that traitor Danzo run away" he replied. Even though it seemed to be a good news why was he feeling something off? "So that's a good news right?".

He noticed a fall in shinobis head...a sadness in his eyes..."Itachi-san" the shinobi started sobbing "Itachi-san died defending the village". Menma's eyes widened by the news.

'How?' Itachi's position was like an unbreakable pillar to the village. Even ace of the aces, the best out of best shinobis felt safe under his presence. For this pillar to break 'That's the reason of this silence' Menma immediately ran towards the center of the village as fast as possible.

Soon he reached the place. He could see the crowd circling the place. He saw his friends and parents over there. He rushed inside the crowd and what he saw was horrifying. The mighty Itachi was on the ground in Sasuke's hands....bruised, blood-bathed and lifeless. He looked at Sasuke who had no expression but his eyes....'the loss of your brother...those eyes ask for revenge'.

Soon everyone started creating a was Tsunade. She silently looked at Itachi before she said "Lord Third used to say 'Itachi is a blessing to our village'. We have lost OUR PILLAR. But we must not cry. He died for our village, so we must prepare ourselves to die for his honor. We must kill that Danzo-"

"Otsutsuki" Nagato interrupted "Hokage-sama, the person you all knew as Danzo is no more. An alien species has taken over him. We must find him before something more disastrous happens".

Soon shizune came rushing towards them. Her loud screams of call fell on deaf ears due to the strong storm. "Tsunade-sama!" She walked closer to them. "Just like you said, I have contacted other nations for the help."

"That's of no use" said Sasuke "it will take them days to come here. We don't have that much time...we can't let that bastard recover. My brother had almost kill him....we can't let him recover."

"That's true. We can't let that coward escape"

"This will bring shame to us Uchihas"

"He destroyed our village, killed Itachi-sama and we simply let him escape? That's not possible"

"We must find him!"

Nagato's POV

The village roared with anger and revenge. I could feel their eyes on me.
Their eyes of vengeance, Itachi's bleeding eyes that was haunting me, a poor mother's eyes that were still soaked in her son's loss, a father's eyes that struggled to hold it's tears.....they all asked me the questions.

I was their last hope. How should I tell them I know nothing about it?. My last comrade was dead and I don't even know the killer's location. The pressure was immense as I closed my eyes and thought of my sensei for guidance.

Just then I heard Minato-sama's voice "It's highly possible that he is at his Hideout" it was an obvious thinking but it came out of Minato-sama's mouth which means it was not something to be taken lightly "and I think that Rin was most likely killed at his Hideout"
I could see Kakashi's eyes widening from corner of my eyes

"Flying Raijin!" Kakashi exclaimed. Everyone's eyes were on Minato-sama as he spoke "Yes. I have marked Rin. Even if she is dead my mark stays. We could teleport there in no time but..."

The shinobis saddened as they realised that Minato had no chakra. "That's not an issue" I said. "As soon as we teleport there I will activate my seals which I had marked at every village. It will open a portal and it would facilitate their army in no time".

"It's not about the army Nagato. It's about-"

"About your chakra" I knew it. I had heard from Naruto about it. "Because of my Doujutsu, I have a special ability which allows me to transfer my chakra onto someone else temporarily through piercing chakra rods in their body." Life returned in everyone's eyes as they were ready for the last battle.

It was my last battle too...this is the time I have been waiting for so long.


Danzo's Hideout.

The Half-Otsutsukified monster slowly and weakly walked towards a large tree in a forest.

"Oh! You look like a dog Toneri"

"They are strong Jigen-sama. We laughed at Danzo's failures but these humans are not weak."

"THEY ARE WEAK! They might be strong for you but for....for me they are just small ants."

"Yes you are right Jigen-sama. It's me who is weak. For the first time I, Toneri Otsutsuki was made to bow down to a shitty human. All because....all because I was weak"

"What are you mumbling about? Did you find the Nine-Tails chakra? We need it for our reviv-"

"That weakling's brother he..he called me a weak fucker who attacks from behind! He called me a Pussy! HOW DARE HE!"

"That's not your job! Your job is to revive me who is superior to you-"

"I will exterminate their species! I will destroy this planet! Sorry Jigen-sama...but I will have to absorb the God Tree within me"

"You fool! The God Tree lacks in vast amount of chakra! You shouldn't absorb it without power of Nine-Tails chakra in the least!"

"With or without chakra...The God Tree still has more than ten times of the chakra that is present in this planet.
I can't sense any large chakra in this planet. Looks like the Akatsuki group Danzo was talking about has eliminated all the Tailed beasts chakra."

"You Inferior piece of shit! Chakra can't be destroyed. It is bound to come back to it's originator...The God Tree. Someone like you who can't even be compared to me shall not dream of consuming The God Tree"

"Apologize me Jigen-sama.." The monster laughed menacingly "But it is me who is free right now....and you, a superior being are going to die"....


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