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someone told me I should give art credit. this one was by chexrry.laz__ on Pinterest!

Xingqiu POV

             After making sure they got in safely, I led them up to my room. "So who'd you bring with you, Benny?" "Remember mystery dog guy?" I laughed. "Yep." "That's him," I expected a 'Hello' or something from the guy, but nothing was said. he just looked at Bennett. "His name is Razor. Sorry, he's not much of a talker." I smiled. "Alrighty then." 

               I opened the door, revealing Chongyun eating a popsicle (A/N before reading over, popsicle was ppsicle) and reading something. "Look who came!" Chongyun looked up and waved before speaking. "Wait did Bennett break your window?" I nodded and turned to Benny. "You'll have to pay for that by the way." He jumped. "Wait what? I don't have enough money for that!" I laughed. "I know. And this guy is Razor." 

             Razor stepped from behind Bennett, what he was trying to do was hide, but he was taller than him so It didn't really work. Chongyun nearly spat out his popsicle. "WHY ARE YOU SO SCARY-LOOKING?" Razor looked at the floor. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare." Bennett patted his back. "Don't worry, Chongyun's never met tall people." I laughed. "Okay enough. Why'd you come in the first place, Bennett?"

              "I just wanted to introduce Razor to you guys in person," Bennett flopped down on one of my beanbag chairs. "That's it really." Razor sat on the floor next to Bennett and started to play with the rug. Guess he really doesn't talk much. "Didn't you say he was a cop?" Yun-yun asked.  "He is, and you can ask him questions, you know." I blinked. "We can?" Bennett gave me the 'Really?' look. "Oh. Hey Razor, how old are you?" He looked up at me.

             "18." I blinked. "Huh.  Benny's 17 and so are me and Yun-yun." "Wait so he's older than us all?" Chongyun closed the book, clearly surprised. Razor nodded. "Xingqiu, your bet with Fischl might work out." Chongyun snorted. I smiled and looked over to Bennett. "Well?" He blinked and starting waving his arms around. "Xingqiu- What no- stop it-" I think Benny is pretty embarrassed. And looking at a Seemingly happy and blushing Razor, gave me my proof.

             Fischl was gonna owe me 5 bucks.

EyO I made Chongyun a littler more energetic than he usually is, I like to think he's a bit more relaxed with Xingqiu so he doesn't suppress his energy as much, which I realize is probably stupid but eh whatever. 


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