vi. piper almost dies, and this camp just got ten times scarier

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━chapter six,❝piper almost dies by a possessed girl, and this camp just got ten times scarier!❞『A J A X』

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chapter six,
❝piper almost dies by a possessed girl, and
this camp just got ten times scarier!

━━━When Ajax gets to the big blue mansion with Aurelia, he is startled to see one of his best friends lying on a couch, unconscious and barely breathing. He shouts, "Piper!" and rushes over to the girl, pressing to fingers against her wrist and feeling a very faint thump, thump, thump. He looks at Annabeth Chase and demands, "What happened?"

"I'm sorry," murmurs a red-headed girl. "I thinkoh, this is all my fault..."

"It's not your fault, Rachel," Annabeth quickly says, and she rushes down the hall to her a medkit.

Ajax has been so focused on Piper that it takes him a minute to register Chirona middle-aged man from the waist up, with thinning brown hair and bushy eyebrows. His eyes were brown yet intense like they'd seen more than anyone other human has. His face seems middle-aged with a scruffy brown beard, but after a good look, it seems more timeless. His lower half, the biggest shock of them all, is, sure enough, that of a white stallion.

Jason stands over Ajax. "We've got to heal her," he insists. "There's a way, right?"

Aurelia is looking between everybody with wide eyes. She begins mumbling in Irish and sits uncomfortably in a chair, criss-cross.

Chiron puts his hand on Piper's forehead and grimaces. "Her mind is in a fragile state. Rachel, what happened?"

The red-head speaks up. She's sort of prettya bush of flaming red hair, tan, and hundreds of freckles over her face and down into her shirt. "I wish I knew," says the girl Rachel, her voice shaky. "As soon as I got to campafter I made the guess with the boy with the sketchbookI had a premonition about Hera's cabin. I went inside. Annabeth and Piper came in while I was there. We talked, then II blanked out. Annabeth said I spoke in a different voice."

"Is that normal?" Ajax demands. Climbing walls of death? Sing-alongs in front of a hundred people? Speaking in different voices? What kind of hell-hole nightmare is this place?

Chiron seems to ignore Ajax. "A prophecy?" he asks.

Prophecies. Oh. Well, fuck this shit. Ajax thinks he's hallucinating and hopes this is some sort of crazy dream.

"No. The spirit of Delphi comes from within. I know how that feels. This was like long-distance, a power trying to speak through me."

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