xx. jason grace saves the day for once (and doesn't get knocked out!)

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━chapter twenty,❝jason grace saves the day for once!(and doesn't get knocked out!)❞『J A S O N』

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chapter twenty,
❝jason grace saves the day for once!
(and doesn't get knocked out!)❞

━━━Jason would've died five times on the way to the front door if it weren't for Leo. First, it's a motion-activated trapdoor on the sidewalk, then a set of lasers on the steps, then a nerve gas dispenser on the porch railing, then pressure-sensitive poison spikes in the welcome mat, and, of course, the exploding doorbell.

"Someone definitely doesn't want us here," mumbles Ajax.

Leo deactivates them all. It's like he can smellor sensethe traps, and he picks the right tool out of his tool belt to disable them.

Jason tells him, "You're amazing, man."

Leo scowls as he examines the front door lock. "Yeah, amazing," he grumbles. "Can't fix a dragon right, but I'm amazing."

"Hey, that wasn't your"

"Front door's already unlocked," he announces.

Piper stares at the door in disbelief. "It is? All those traps and the front door is just unlocked?"

Leo turns the knob. The door swings open easily. He steps inside without hesitation.

Ajax grimaces and follows in after them, looking like a parent keeping an eye on a reckless teenager. For a while now, Ajax holds this sadness in his eyesa sadness that wasn't there, or, at least, wasn't so visible when they arrived at Camp Half-Blood. He looks like a broken record like he's seen too much, more than anyone should go through. Almost like he knows his own fate, and it's not a pretty one. Jason doesn't know what to do to help him.

Before Jason can follow, Piper catches his arm. She says, "He's gonna need some time to get over Festus. Don't take it personally."

"Yeah," says Jason. "Yeah, okay."

But he still feels terrible. Back in Medea's store, he had said some pretty harsh stuff to Leostuff a friend shouldn't ever say, not to mention he almost skewered him with a sword. If it hadn't been for Piper and Ajax, they'd both be dead. And both Piper and Ajax hadn't gotten out of that too encounter easily, either.

"Piper," he says, "I know I was in a daze back in Chicago, but that stuff about your dadif he's in trouble, I want to help. I don't care if it's a trap or not, we"

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