vii. schist! big pile of schist!

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━chapter seven,❝schist! big pile of schist!❞『H A Z E L』

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chapter seven,
❝schist! big pile of schist!

━━━"Hazel!" Frank shakes her arms, sounding panicked. "Come on, please! Wake up!"

She opens her eyes. The night sky blazes with stars. The rocking of the boat is gone. She lays on solid ground, her bundled sword and pack beside her. She sits up groggily, head spinning. Someone puts a hand on her back, supporting her, and she leans into them. They are on a cliff overlooking a beach. About a hundred feet away, the ocean glints in the moonlight. The surf washes gently against the stern of their beaches boat. To her right, hugging the cliff is a lighthouse. Behind them, fields of tall grass rustle in the wind.

Frank exhales. "Thank the gods you're awake!"

"Where are we?" she manages, her voice still soft.

The person Hazel's leaning into answers, "We're in Mendocino, a little coastal community. It's about a hundred and forty-seven miles north of the Golden Gate Bridge."

Hazel didn't even need to hear the feminine of her voice to know it is Regina. She knows it's her because nobody else would know it's one hundred forty-seven miles north of Golden Gate Bridge.

Hazel leans away from her, which is a mistake. She almost falls backward ━ probably into another blackout ━ but Regina catches her with one hand. She swiftly holds her up.

"A hundred and forty-seven miles?" Hazel says with a groan. "I've been out that long?"

Percy knelt beside her, the sea wind sweeping his hair elegantly. He puts his hand on her forehead as if checking for a fever. "We couldn't wake you. We woke Regina up, and she tried, so eventually, we just brought you ashore. She carried you up here━"

Hazel looks at Regina. "You carried me?"

Regina shrugs, scratching her neck and looking away. "I'm a lot stronger than I look."

Percy adds, "We thought it was seasickness━"

"It wasn't seasickness." Hazel takes a deep breath. She tries to push the image of Regina Maximus carrying her unconscious body, hair dramatically blowing in the wind, out of her head. She can't hide the truth from them anymore. "I━I haven't been honest with you. What happened was a blackout. I have them once in a while."

"A blackout?" Frank's eyebrows furrow. "Is it medical? Why haven't I noticed before?"

"I try to hide it," she admits, trying to shake the feeling of Regina's hand on her back. She hates having to rely on people ━ especially on people as strong as Regina. "I've been lucky so far, but it's getting worse. It's not medical... not really. Nico says it's a side effect from my past, where he found me."

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