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(Sang is french in this book, so italics will mean words are spoken in another language that is not English)


Once again I am told I am worthless, my stepmother punishes me the last one I received from her was brutal, and after that she sold me to the black vipers, the biggest gang in France. Apparently I'm supposed to marry one of the higher ups in command to pay my father's debt to them. They had come for payment from dad and since he didn't have it,they made a deal because Stephen the second in command liked how I looked he would take me instead, my stepmom just laughed and told him it was a deal and like always dad didn't say anything, I was sixteen at the time.

Stephen said I would stay with him and his gang of brothers and when I turned twenty one we would wed.

It was my twentieth birthday when they decide to rent a yacht in the Americas for a working vacation. Stephen didn't want me to set foot on land while we were there, so they rented a yacht and stayed in the depths of the ocean off of the north shore. Stephen wasnt cruel to me, he actually doted on me and treated me fairly decent as long as I listened,no it was Madelyn his ex who dispiesed me, she wanted to be his wife, she acted like it was my fault, I didn't say a word, I was given to them. Even jf I wasn't happy, atleast it was somewhere to go and out of that monsters home.

So as we anchored the yacht, I couldn't help but notice the shore from a distant, plenty of boats docked at the marina and people moving about the pier and beach, throughout the day stuck on the yacht, I didn't have much to do, I was just grabbing a book to settle on a lounge chair on the deck when Pierre the leader came up to me, he took my hand, and started dancing with me to music that's going on throughout the boat, Stephen was on land doing what he does, from what I gathered they helped bring in a shipment of the jh-14, I shudder at that. I know what that drug can do to most, because I was a test for the latest batch, apparently Pierre put it in my tea when Stephen was looking. When Stephen brought it to me, I drank it like normal, and next thing I know my body goes paralyzed, I couldn't move and it was driving Stephen mad when I wouldn't respond to his normal touches.

Once he realizes why,let's just say Pierre his best friend got an earful. That I was not a test subject, and so on.

So from that day, I've had to keep an eye out for Pierre, guess once he met me,he's always wanted to get into my pants.

Back to dancing with Pierre he spoke to me,about what he wants to do with me next time we are alone and he says he will do it whether I like it or not, with the verbal abuse I get from most of the gang members when Stephen isn't around, the abuse I'd my parents. I have been about ready to give up, while Stephen is ok, I don't want to marry him just because he said so, I want to marry for love, I want to help people not drag them under. Since we have been here, I have decided that I was going to end my life, nobody would even notice or they would be thrilled that I did. I don't even think Stephen would truly care. He's been acting a lot differently than usual, while he's always doted on me,recently he's been getting violent, and my body is now littered with bruises and more scars then my stepmonster gave me. I'm ready to give up, this isn't the life I hoped for when I became an adult,let a lone my whole life.

It turned out I was a ghost, undocumented with any government and when Pierre discovered this, he utilized me every chance he got, he didn't care if I got killed or not, because I didn't legally exist.

That fateful night I managed to escape Stephens hold on me, I tiptoed through the boat and made my way to the deck undetected, it was a stormy night and while I knew I shouldn't do it, this was my chance. And nobody would here me, the freezing cold water and the angry waves crashing down, it wouldn't take long for me to be pulled under. Or if I choose to fight, I could try to make it to shore. And with that I jumped from the deck of the yacht and plunged straight down into the water.


I awoke with a start, Sang was no where in the bed, I know my behavior towards her had changed, I still wanted her and to marry her, but with the stress of the gang and getting this new batch of jh-14 out, my frustrations and anger were taking out on her. I know she noticed the change in me. I don't mean to hurt her. Heck when I first saw her at the Sorenson's in France, I couldn't believe how gorgeous she was, I new she was young at the age of sixteen, so I promised I'd wait till she turned twenty one to marry her, I also restrained myself from taking advantage of her, while we manage to do other things, we never had sex. I wanted that to be extra special, and being second in command in a gang didn't leave a lot of time to devote to her properly in that way for her first time. She was innocent in all matters, and when she blushed I couldn't help but smirk knowing I put that blush on her and it was adorable.

When Madelyn found out about her, I was ready to kill Madelyn for the words she spoke. I was done with Madelyn and wanted only the one woman who slept next to me for the last couple of years. I managed to keep her nightmares at bay, but now I'm pretty sure I contributed to the new ones she gets. After this job is finished, I need to make it up to Sang, and show her the man she deserves is still there. Now to go find my little bit.

I searched all over the boat even waking up the others to help. They couldn't believe when we couldn't find her,she may have been small and petite, but someone always managed to find her. She wouldn't go up on deck in this storm would she.

With that thought in mind, I went up to the deck and in the storm, I just caught site of blonde hair going overboard. I ran to the edge where she was last seen and with the anger of the waves, and the storm swirling around me,I never saw her again,she was lost in the vast ocean. I never saw it coming,was she escaping or trying to take her own life. What have I done. The love of my life was gone and lost to me now. At that moment I vowed to love no other again. And if she returns, she will be the only one to get that love.

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